Linggo, Hunyo 10, 2012



 -  Blackwater - War Mercenaries Inc. - The Privatization of War - Main File
 -  Clinton and al-Qaeda - The Propaganda Wars Continue
 -  Did The Dimona Dozen Murder The Fukushima 50? - 3/11 Was Japan's 9/11
 -  Dismantling The Iraqi State, Destroying an Entire Country - “Ending States That Sponsor Terrorism”
 -  El Falso Terror - El Camino a La Dictadura
 -  El Nigeriano del “Poderoso Explosivo - ¿Una Operación Bajo Bandera Falsa Para Una Nueva Guerra de Agresión de EEUU...
 -  Fake Terror at The Murrah Building Bombing - The Opinions of General Partin and Other Bomb Experts
 -  Flight 253 - Anatomy of a Cover-Up - A Failure to "Integrate and Understand," or A Thin Tissue of Lies
 -  'Global War On Terror' Is Given New Name - Bush's Phrase Is Out, Pentagon Says

 -  La Masacre del 22 de Julio - Noruega e Israel
 -  Launching The U.S. Terror War - The CIA, 9/11, Afghanistan, and Central Asia - Bush's Terror War and The Fixing of Intelligence
 -  Law Suit Against 4 US Presidents and 4 UK Prime Ministers - For War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide...
 -  Los Eventos del 9-11 - Main File

 -  Operation Gladio  - NATO's Secret Wars - Main File


 -  Racism and U.S. War - Iraq Veteran

 -  The 9-11 Events - Main File

 -  The Bureau of Counterterrorism - Obama Administration Gives Birth to New Agents of Tyranny

 -  The Future is Calling - The War on Terror

 -  The Guantánamo “Suicides - A Camp Delta Sergeant Blows the Whistle
 -  The Nightmare - The Iraq Invasion's Atrocities, Unearthing the Unthinkable
 -  The Norway Terrorist Attack - "News Without Facts" - "Experts" on Jihad and "Muslim Terrorism"

 -  The Underwear "Bomber" - Crushing Freedom With Phony Muslims Terrorism

 -  The War on Terror - from "The Police State Road Map" by Michael Nield

 -  This War On Terrorism Is Bogus - The 9/11 Attacks Gave The US An Ideal Pretext To Use Force to Secure Its Global Domination
 -  U.S. Complicity and Cover-Up of Iraq Torture Exposed - The WikiLeaks Release - Frago 242 War Logs

 - “War on Terrorism” Propaganda Ratcheted Up Ahead of War Escalation - Masterminds, Mosques and Mass Insanity

 -  Whose War? - A Neoconservative Clique Seeks to Ensnare Our Country In A Series of Wars That Are Not in America’s Interest

 -  Who Would Benefit Politically From a Terrorist Incident on American Soil? The Strange Case of Umar F. Abdulmutallab
 -  WikiLeaks - International New Media Non-Profit Organization - Main File

 -  11 de Septiembre - Una Provocación Mundial - El Punto de Vista de Un General Ruso

 -  AFRICOM - US Military Control of Africa’s Resources - from 'Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007'

 -  America’s Drug-Corrupted War - Obama and Afghanistan
 -  An Un-American Way of War - Instruments of Statecraft - U.S. Guerilla Warfare, Counterinsurgency, Counterterrorism-1940-90
 - “A Pair of Testicles Fell Off The President After Election Day" - Former Guantanamo Chief Prosecutor Says
 -  Blood Money - Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, Q.C., Former Prime Minister, Alleged Potential War Criminal

 -  CIA and Pentagon Deploy RFID “Death Chips - A Conspiracy Theory? Think Again!
 -  Fake Terror Plots, Paid Informants - The Tactics of FBI 'Entrapment' Questioned

 -  No Place to Hide - The Strategy and Tactics of Terrorism

 -  Occupied America - Senate Bill 1867 Would Allow U.S. Military to Detain and Murder Anti-Government Protesters in American Cities

 -  Only A Terror Attack Can Save Obama - Top Clinton Official Says

 -  Orwellian Justice System - The Securitization and Militarization of Daily Life - Spying on Americans Continues Despite Court...
 -  Patriot Act - H.R. 3162 - Received October 24, 2001

 -  Spying on Americans - America's Endless & Highly Profitable, "War on Terror" - A Multibillion Bonanza for The Telecoms
 -  Terrorismo de Estado - Israel Incendia Con Fósforo la Sede de La ONU, Bombardea Hospital, Dispara a Niños Que Huyen
 -¿Terroristas en La Administración Bush? - Terrorismo Internacional
 -  The CIA's Role in The Anthrax Mailings - Could Our Spies be Agents for Military-Industrial Sabotage, Terrorism, and Even Popu...
 -  The Coming Pandemic - Expect All Protective Systems to Fail

 -  The Doomsday Project and Deep Events - JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11
 -  The Hidden Power - David S. Addington - The Legal Mind Behind The White House's War on Terror
 -  The "Liberation" of Libya - NATO Special Forces and Al Qaeda Join Hands - "Former Terrorists" Join the "Pro-democracy"...
 -  The Long Road to The Hague - Prosecuting Former Prime Minister Tony Blair
 -  The Murder of Americans - Existence of Secret Kill Lists Now Admitted by Lawless White House
 -  The Politics of Terror as The Business of Terror - The Greatest Covert Operation Ever
 -  The Privatization of War - Mercenaries, Private Military and Security Companies (PMSC) - Beyond The WikiLeaks Files
 -  The Redirection - Is The Administration’s New Policy Benefitting Our Enemies in The War on Terrorism?
 -  The Things He Carried... - The So Call "Airport Security"
 - "The War is Worth Waging" - Afghanistan's Vast Reserves of Minerals and Natural Gas
 -  The Yemen Hidden Agenda - Behind The Al-Qaeda Scenarios, A Strategic Oil Transit Chokepoint
 -  Toxic Waste Behind Somali Pirates - Top 25 Censored Stories for 2010

 -  Unconventional Warfare - Army Special Operations Forces
 -  U.S. Government Spy Program - Main Core, PROMIS and The Shadow Government

 -  Order Out of Chaos - Elite Sponsored Terrorism and the New World Order - by Paul Joseph Watson
 -  Philip Dru - Administrator - by Edward Mandell House
 -  Razones de Estado - por Chester Swann
 -  Stranger Than Fiction - An Independent Investigation of 9-11 And The War On Terrorism - by Albert D. Pastore
 -  Terrorism and The Illuminati - by David Livingstone
 -  The Report From Iron Mountain - by Leonard Lewin

 -  7-7 Ripple Effect - La Verdad Sobre  11-Septiembre Nueva York, el 11-Marzo Madrid y el 7-Julio de Londres
 -  Adiós a Las Libertades - Taking Liberties (Since 1997)
 -  Bush's Hideous Legacy - Baghdad, 5 Years On - City of Walls
 -  Collateral Murder - Wikileaks
 -  Invisible Empire - A New World Order Defined
 -  Is This What We're Fighting For? (This Video May Be Blocked In Some Countries)
 -  Obsession - Radical Islam's War Against the West
 -  Problem-Reaction-Solution - David Icke
 -  Rumsfeld's War - Contentious Battle Inside The Pentagon

 -  Shadow Secrets - 2010 Cut
 -  Terrorism Attacks in US - 9/11 - BBC Prior Knowledge
 -  TerrorStorm - Alex Jones
 -  The Dark Side - Architecture of The "War on Terror"
 -  The Power of Nightmares - The Rise of The Politics of Fear
 -  War and Globalization - The Truth Behind September 11 (9/11)

Related Reports
 -  Big Brother Loves You - Main File
 -  The Carlyle Group - Main File

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