Sabado, Hunyo 2, 2012



by Michael Sunstar
from TheForbbidenKnowledge Website
American and European money, as well as the ‘global economy’ is now being controlled by just many organizations devoted to the cause of GLOBALIZATION. GLOBALISM just started out with a ring of wealthy families and spread like a wildfire as corporations sought to profit from this GLOBAL, INTERNATIONAL idea. These families and corporations have sponsored and financed many organizations throughout the world committed to the cause of GLOBAL unity, GLOBAL economics, GLOBAL politics, and a GLOBAL religion that makes all nations interdependent upon each other so that the National Sovereignty of each nation is compromised for this GLOBAL ECONOMY networked by many people who share the same vision.

In the early 1990s, three New York super-banks controlled over 85% of the banking assets. From the 1970s through the 1980s, small local banks on the East Coast were first bought out by larger regional banks, then the larger regional banks were merged with the New York super banks until only a few banks controlled all the money as we have witnessed in MEGA BANK MERGERS.

What is the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT? The Federal Reserve Act set up a FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD, which controlled a system of twelve federal banks. These Federal banks loaned money to private or state banks at certain interest rates. The Federal Reserve banks could raise or lower the rates they charged to the state banks. The twelve federal banks controlled the rates private banks charged their customers.


The following information was gathered from THE ATLANTA FEDERAL RESERVE WEBSITE:  and

Like most industrialized nations, the United States has a central bank to meet certain needs of its complex economy and financial system. Unlike most central banks, however, the U.S. Federal Reserve System—often called the Fed—is, in a sense, a “decentralized” central bank. It consists of:
  • a Board of Governors in Washington, D.C.
  • 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks and their branches
  • the Federal Open Market Committee
Established in December 1913 by the Federal Reserve Act, the Federal Reserve System was designed to address the conditions underlying the money panics that had plagued the country for many years. The act has been amended several times to enhance the Fed’s ability to foster a sound financial system and a healthy economy.

The Federal Reserve System advances this goal in several ways. Its monetary policy decisions affect the flow of money and credit in the economy. It contributes to the safety and soundness of the nation’s financial system by establishing regulations and acting as a commercial bank supervisor. And, by serving as a bank for depository institutions and the federal government, the Fed helps ensure that the system of paying for all kinds of business transactions works efficiently. In carrying out these three functions, the Fed also helps to stabilize the financial system and to contain systemic risk that may arise in financial markets.

The Federal Open Market Committee directs open market operations, the most important tool of monetary policy. The committee meets in Washington, D.C., eight times a year and holds additional meetings or telephone consultations as needed. The FOMC comprises 12 members—the seven members of the Board of Governors and five Reserve Bank presidents, one of whom is the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Other presidents serve one-year terms on a rotating basis, and all presidents participate in each meeting.

Federal Reserve Banks are the decentralized element of the U.S. central bank. There are 12 Reserve Banks, located in
  • Boston
  • New York
  • Philadelphia
  • Cleveland
  • Richmond
  • Atlanta
  • Chicago
  • St. Louis
  • Minneapolis
  • Kansas City
  • Dallas
  • San Francisco
Branches are located in 25 other cities, and all but two Reserve Banks have at least one branch.

Each Federal Reserve Bank is separately incorporated, with a board of nine directors. Reserve Banks generate their own income, which comes mainly from interest on government securities acquired through open market operations. Each year, Reserve Banks turn over to the U.S. Treasury earnings in excess of the amount they need to pay expenses and dividends to member banks, to maintain a surplus equal to paid-in capital, and to pay operating expenses.

Reserve Bank directors, under Board of Governors supervision, oversee their bank’s operations and appoint and recommend salaries of the bank’s president and first vice president. Of the nine directors, six—three class A, representing the banking industry, and three class B—are elected by member banks, including all nationally chartered banks and state-chartered banks that meet certain requirements. Three class C directors, including the chairman and deputy chairman, are appointed by the Board of Governors. Class B and C directors represent agriculture, commerce, industry, labor, and services in the Federal Reserve District; they cannot be officers, directors, or employees of a bank, and class C directors cannot be bank stockholders.

Branch banks’ boards have five or seven directors; the majority are appointed by head-office directors and the rest by the Board of Governors.

Reserve Banks monitor national and international economic conditions and provide information on their districts that is used in formulating monetary policy. Reserve Banks hold reserve balances for and serve as “lender of last resort” to depository institutions. Directors establish the discount rate charged on such loans, subject to approval by the Board of Governors. Reserve Banks also examine and supervise certain types of depository institutions and provide payment services to depository institutions and the U.S. Treasury.

In 2001, the FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS were located in:
In 2001, ALAN GREENSPAN was the CHAIRMAN of the FEDERAL RESERVE IN NEW YORK and the eyes of America were on Greenspan when President George Bush introduced his tax-cut which would cut Federal Interest Rates by half a point.

Whoever controls The Federal Reserve bank of New York controls the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. The FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of New York IS the FEDERAL RESERVE in which stockholders own. This is why Hillary Clinton wanted to become the Senator of New York in the 2000 Elections. New York is where all the money is controlled in addition to The Council of Foreign Relations, THE UNITED NATIONS, AND THE Trilateral Commission who are sponsored by inner circles of the wealthiest families in the world, who have a One World  Economic Agenda.

The controlling interest of the FEDERAL RESERVE is held by about a dozen international banking establishments, and only four of them are located in the United States. The rest of the banking establishments owning stock in the FEDERAL RESERVE are EUROPEAN, with the most influence of these being the Rothschild family of London.
1.   Annually, billions of dollars are earned by Class A stockholders of the FEDERAL RESERVE.

2.   PROFITS come from INTEREST paid on BANK LOANS, which goes into the FEDERAL RESERVE.

3.   PROFITS accrued from interest and the interest on annual revenues from thousands of corporations and banks profit the stockholders and then the PROFITS which the stockholders earn are:

4.   FUNNELED into TAX-EXEMPT FOUNDATIONS, which re-invest into American and Foreign Corporations. FOUNDATIONS serve as tax shelters for the wealthy.

5.   ROCKEFELLER/ROTHSCHILD/CARNEGIE Foundations would finance: Public Education, International Affairs, Healthcare, Social Sciences, FreeMason Lodges, Anti-Nuclear Proliferation Programs (Example: Ted Turner donating $50 Million towards Anti-Nuclear Proliferation most likely for tax relief purposes, but then again, he could have just been kind and generous, if we were to actually take him seriously.)

6.   GRANTS AND RESEARCH FUNDS would also be funded by contributions from the wealthy.
In 1953 U.S. Congressman B. Carroll Reece investigated tax-exempt foundations. Rene Wormser, Chief Counsel for the Reece Committee, authored a book entitled Foundations, Their Power and Influence. Based on the findings of the investigation he wrote,
"The Council on Foreign Relations, another member of the international complex, financed both by the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations, overwhelmingly propagandizes the GLOBALIST concept. This organization became virtually an agency of the government when WWII broke out. The Rockefeller Foundation had started and financed certain studies known as the War and Peace Studies, manned largely by associates of the Council [CFR]; the State Department, in due course, took these studies over, retaining the major personnel which the CFR had supplied". [page 209]

"Foundation activity has nowhere had a greater impact than in the field of foreign affairs. It has conquered public opinion and has largely established the international-political goals of our country".
[He goes on to list some of the "major instruments" as the CFR, Foreign Policy Association, Institute of Pacific Relations and United Nations Association] pg 200.

The far-reaching power of the large foundations and of the interlock, has so influenced the press, the radio, and even the government that it has become extremely difficult for objective criticism of foundation practices to get into news channels without having first been distorted, slanted, discredited and at times ridiculed."
U.S. Gov Printing Office, 1954- Findings of Fact and Supporting Material - U.S. House Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations [Reece Investigations] page 17
Rene Wormser, Legal Counsel of the REECE COMMITTEE, discovered that FOUNDATIONS receiving contributions were:
America’s major banking assets have always been in some way connected with the London Rothschild family who also had made contributions through various foundations. As stated on the Rothschilds are:
“As brokers and financiers, as bankers to royal houses and governments, as railway magnates, politicians, personalities, patrons and philantropists, the Rothschilds have never forgotten how to "walk with Kings - nor lost the common touch".
The Rothschilds have thus remained united in every endeavour, from the creation of De Beers and the financing of Royal Dutch to the privatization of the Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas. Today, the family’s British, French and Swiss institutions and their subsidiaries, especially along the Pacific Rim, have matched their skills to the new requirements of venture capital and financial engineering.
Benjamin and Edmond de Rothschild Group upholds the fundamental values of private banking - experience, skill, integrity, trust and confidentiality. This corporate culture is applied with unbending discipline discipline to a single purpose: to dedicate the experience of seven generations to the management of private and institutional portfolios.”

“Behind the legendary name lies substance - a commitment to our clients that is as strong today as in the past that forged our tradition. Our motto - Unity, Integrity, Industry - has governed our activities for seven generations from currency dealer to banker, covering the entire range of financial services. A reputation that has made our name synonymous with banking has been built, over the centuries, on the substance of service. Every Rothschild bank has kept faith with that ideal, through political turmoil, market upheavals or the revolution in financial instruments. An unchanging purpose directs our business. It is to place the interest of our clients above all other considerations, to devote ourselves to each one individually in the fulfillment of their requirements. By honoring the trust our clients place in us, we have established a position in international finance that belies the relatively low profile of our banking establishments. The Rothschilds have assumed a personal responsibility for their banks in direct succession from one generation to the next. No bank or financial institution may carry the Rothschild name unless it is under the effective control of a Rothschild. The banks presented here are under my chairmanship. I trust the contents of this Website will be informative and that we may look forward to the honor of serving you.”

Baron Benjamin de Rothschild

Headquarters : VADUZ
Incorporated : March 1973
Purpose : Philanthropic activities of all kinds
Donations : Annual financial support for all charitable organizations, chiefly in Switzerland


Headquarters : GENEVA
Incorporated : December 1982
Purpose : Philanthropic activities of all kinds
Donations : Financial support for social welfare projects, chiefly in Geneva


Headquarters : GENEVA
Incorporated : May 1982, by amendment of the Articles of Association of the Hôpital ophtalmique Adolphe de Rothschild, Geneva founded in August 1900 and extinguished at end-1978
Purpose : To develop and apply medicine and all the other sciences relating to human health, principally in Geneva and most notably in the field of ophthalmology.
Donations : Since 1983 the Memorial Fund has bought new state-of-the-art equipment each year for the Centre Ophtalmologique A. de Rothschild operated by its alliance partner, the Clinique Générale Beaulieu, in Geneva.
Donations are also made to the Cantonal Hospital and the Geneva Faculty of Medicine.


Headquarters : GENEVA
Incorporated : September 1978
Purpose : To develop vocational training and encourage private initiative among Switzerland’s youth.
Donations : "Vocational Grants" awarded in various areas, mainly in medicine and the paramedical segment.


Headquarters : NEW YORK
Purpose : To provide financial support for philanthropic activities of all kinds, primarily in the United States.


Headquarters : Caesurae, Israel
Incorporated : 1960
Purpose : To provide financial support for philanthropic activities of all kinds in Israel, especially for the education of young people.
Donations : The Foundation builds schools, extends financial support to schools and universities.


Headquarters : Tel Aviv, Israel
Incorporated : 1974
Purpose : To provide financial support for philanthropic activities of all kinds in Israel.
Donations : Especially in the fields of medicine and education.


Headquarters : Paris
Incorporated : 1905
Purpose : To build an ophthalmic hospital, later adding ENT, radiology, dermatology and neurosurgery units, providing an overall "head and neck" specialization.


Headquarters : Paris
Incorporated : 1921.
Purpose : To train researchers and provide assistance for university physics and chemistry laboratories.
1931 : Establishment of the world’s first molecular biology institute.


Headquarters : Paris
Incorporated : 1942-1943
Purpose : The initial goal was to save Jewish children of missing or deported parents during World War II. Nowadays the OPEJ sets up homes for the social welfare of children to help young people in difficulty, the aim being to restore their willingness to find a place in society while rebuilding their family ties.
Donations : As an acknowledged public service organisation, the OPEJ is entitled to receive tax-deductible donations under existing laws.
Usually, wealthy people contribute money into and through FOUNDATIONS as a way to write-off taxes. Did these FOUNDATIONS exist because the Rothschilds loved Christ or wanted to serve the God Of Israel? No. Although it appears that the wealthy Rothschilds have contributed large sums of money for ‘good and charitable causes’ which would benefit ALL societies, according to the REECE COMMITTEE these donations and foundations were meant to serve as tax shelters which would further promote their corporate GLOBALIST society and gain control.

The Rockefellers, who were and are by far the most powerful of the Fed’s American Stockholders, also have controlled and are controlling much of the banking interests. The Rockefellers holdings in the Federal Reserve are primarily through CHASE MANHATTAN BANK which merged with J.P MORGAN.

Thus, John D. Rockefeller’s $900 million in 1913 represented one forty-fourth of the GNP of that year. One forty-fourth of last year’s GNP 2000 would be a mind-blowing $184.2 billion, far richer than Gates’ billion shares of Microsoft makes him. Indeed, Gates would rank only fourth, behind Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie ($100.5 billion), and Cornelius Vanderbilt ($95.9 billion). The remainder of the top 10, according to Klepper and Gunther, are:
  • John Jacob Astor ($78 billion)
  • Stephen Girard (shipping and banking, $55.6 billion)
  • A. T. Stewart (retail, $46.9 billion)
  • Frederick Weyerhaeuser (lumber, $43.2 billion)
  • Jay Gould (investing and railroads, $42.1 billion)
  • Marshall Field (retail, $40.7 billion)
Congressman Louis T. McFadden said the following during a speech before Congress on June 10, 1932:
"Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a government board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States; has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through the defects of the law under which it operates, through the mal-administration of that law by the Federal Reserve Board, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.

Some people think the Federal Reserve banks are United States Government institutions. They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies, which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign swindlers; and rich and predatory money-lenders. In that dark crew of financial pirates there are those who would cut a man’s throat to get a dollar out of his pocket; there are those who send money into states to buy votes to control our legislation; and there are those who maintain an international propaganda for the purpose of deceiving us and wheedling us into the granting of new concessions which will permit them to cover up their past misdeeds and set again in motion their gigantic train of crime.”

National Information Center (NIC) Web site
Comprehensive information on banks and other institutions for which the Federal Reserve has a supervisory, regulatory, or research interest, including domestic and foreign banking organizations operating in the United States.

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