Sabado, Hunyo 2, 2012

Deadly Vaccines Of The New World Order!

By Pastor Texe Marrs

There is no doubt that vaccines have miraculously been used to save tens of millions of human lives and to prevent horrible forms of human suffering from diseases. The polio and smallpox vaccines are only two examples of life-giving vaccines. But the same medical achievement that saves lives, in the hands of evil men, may be used to abuse and harm.

Illuminati Establishes Vaccine Task Force

The Illuminati's most pre-eminent leaders have recently taken a keen interest in the field of vaccines. They have established a special task force to oversee the administration of vaccines to children and adults throughout the world, called the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI).
The first meeting of this eerie and ominous GAVI task force was held in Davos, Switzerland, in 2000. Its members include Microsoft's Bill and Melinda Gates, the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), the Rockefeller Foundation, and the World Bank. The national governments of Russia and the U.S.A. are also involved. Bill Gates, for now, seems to be the principal force behind the work of GAVI.

Bill & Melinda Gates

Microsoft founder, Bill Gates, reputed to be the world's richest man, is helping to fund the United Nations vaccine programs. Gates, a secular Jew, has said he does not believe in God. He regularly attends former Communist party boss Mikhail Gorbachev's annual State of the World Forum held at the former Presidio Army base in California
Gates, whose Microsoft is at the forefront of developing new nanotransistor technology, says he has 24 billion dollars of his own money to give away. A lot of this money is going to go toward the development of new vaccines, which the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) will administer by injections of the world's poor.

Secret Vaccine Ingredient Kills Unborn Babies

Gates, said to be the richest man on earth, and his wife, Melinda, are also known to support Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion and global depopulation causes. According to reliable sources, some of the new vaccines being developed by the United Nations (WHO) with Gates' money secretly contain poisonous chemicals—chemicals which act to kill unborn babies inside the mothers' womb.
In 1999, the American Life League was horrified to discover that UN vaccines were being used as hidden depopulation "bombs." The pro-life group went straight to Bill Gates with its discovery and confronted him, as the following news report indicates:

Gates-Sponsored Vaccine Program a Depopulation Measure?
Washington, Dec. 14 (—The American Life League, a pro-life organization, confronted software mogul Bill Gates last week, telling him that a World Health Organization (WHO) tetanus vaccination program undertaken with Gates' sponsorship bears striking resemblance to a similar WHO program which was exposed as a measure to involuntarily sterilize young women in the Philippines. Gates has donated $26 million to a WHO tetanus program in several developing countries.
In its press release, the American Life League notes that a previous tetanus program, conducted in the Philippines in 1995, aroused suspicion from Catholic health workers since it involved only women in their child-bearing years, an oddity since tetanus effects men and women, old and young alike. An investigation revealed that the women were given the tetanus vaccine combined with a chemical called Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) to create an anti-pregnancy agent. The BBC, in conjunction with the Philippine Department of Health and the Philippine Medical Association, reported that many Filipino women suffered spontaneous abortions due to the vaccine, which creates an immune response to pregnancy in the mother's body.
"The current Gates funded program, involving the WHO in several developing countries, is once again aimed only at women in their child-bearing years. This is the world of population elimination," said the American Life League. "Most likely, Gates believes his funds are helping sick women and children, but in reality they're creating unimaginable suffering."

New Israeli Virus Bioweapon Targets Arabs Only

Nexus, an Australian magazine, has done terrific work in exposing yet another aspect of the use of vaccines for deadly purposes—the development of bioweapons designed to kill only designated races and ethnic groups. It was reported in the London Sunday Times in 1997 that Israel is working on a biological weapon which is genetically targeted against Arabs. The highly respected Foreign Report, a Jane's publication which monitors security and defense matters, also reported that Israeli scientists have used South African genetic warfare research in an attempt to develop an "ethnic bullet."
Israeli scientists at the super-secret Nes Tziyona biowarfare laboratory near Tel Aviv have engineered deadly microorganisms that only attack DNA within the cells of victims with distinctive Arab genes. Nes Tziyona produces a wide range of chemical and biological weapons and is reportedly larger than all Arab and Iranian biowarfare laboratories combined.
The Israeli research mirrors biological studies conducted by South African scientists during the apartheid era and disclosed in testimony before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Daan Goosen, head of a South African chemical and biological warfare facility, said his team was ordered in the 1980s to develop a "pigmentation weapon" to target only black people.
The British Medical Association has become so concerned about the lethal potential of genetically based biological weapons that it has opened an investigation.
(Sources: Nexus, February-March 1999; The Sunday Times, London, 15 Nov. 1998; the Australian, 16 Nov. 1998).

A Dark, Dark Future

If we did not know Jesus Christ as Lord, these strange and ominous developments in vaccines and genetic engineering would fill us with dread and alarm. Combined with amazing new discoveries in nanotechnology robots, we now see how dramatically effective The World Cup Conspiracy could be in depopulating earth and establishing global systems of electronic, "Big Brother" control.

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