Christmas is not about the birth of Jesus. The early Christians did not celebrate Christmas. Instead it was the Romans, Pagans and others that used December 25 as a holiday. Pagans had lots of different celebrations which coincided with Winter Solstice up to December 25th. This was considered the rebirth of the sun.
Constantine was concerned with problems between dominant Pagan religions which celebrated the worship of Mithra on Dec 25 and a conflict with Christians. He brought religious leaders together and out of that came the universal church or the Catholic Church. Pagan rituals were Christianized. For example, The Christmas Tree has several Pagan origins. There is some evidence that suggests that it came from the Babylonians and that decorating it made references to demonic worship.
These Pagan customs go back to the times of Babylonia and have been dispersed all around the world till our time with this American Empire.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say to celebrate the birth of Christ. It doesn't give the day for the birth of Christ. He was most likely born in the fall or spring. And true Christians will should follow the Bible and not a man made celebration. The early Christians outlawed and did not celebrate these Pagan celebrations.
Some people will say that there is nothing wrong and that its meaning has changed over the years but that is a stubborn self that is speaking. Unless you are non-Christian, Pagan or simply a Christian, a TRUE Christian DOES NOT celebrate Christmas.
From the Edge Am Website with Daniel Ott, an interview with Rory Moore on the Origins of Christmas. This audio will take you further into the Origins of Christmas.
On You Tube:
Mirth or Myth:
TheOrigins of Christmas:
Origins of Christmas Part 1
Origins of Christmas Part 2
Origins of Christmas Part 3
Origins of Christmas Part 4
There are Christians and then there are True Christians. It's logical to say that a TRUE Christian is devoted to following the teachings of Jesus and following the Bible, which is a guide that comes from God Yahweh. As a True Christian, one should not celebrate or be involved with Halloween.
Here is why:
- Halloween (Samhain) is a celebration that does not honor Jehovah God.
- Halloween (Oct. 31) All Saints Day (Nov. 1) and All Souls Day (Nov. 2) are not founded on a Scriptural basis.
- Halloween is rooted in Paganism (just like Easter and Christmas). The pre-Christian Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all celebrated a festival for the dead. These ancients believed that on these occasions the spirits of the dead returned; therefore food was left for them and lamps were kept burning so they would not lose their way.
- The Celtic order of Druids worshiped Samhain, lord of the dead*, as well as a sun-god to whom the horse was sacred. On the festival of Samhain, the veil between the human and the supernatural worlds was parted and spirits, both good and evil, roamed the earth. The souls of the dead were thought to return to their homes, and families would put out food and drink for their ghostly visitors in hopes of appeasing them and warding off misfortune. Thus, today when children dressed as ghosts or witches go from house to house demanding a Halloween treat or threatening a mischievous trick, they unwittingly perpetuate the ancient rituals of Samhain. Jean Markale comments in his book Halloween, histoire et traditions (Halloween—History and Traditions): “In receiving something in their hands, they establish, on a symbolic level that they do not understand, a brotherly exchange between the visible and the invisible worlds. That is why the Halloween masquerades . . . are in fact sacred ceremonies.”
- The Catholic Church adopted All Saints and All Souls Day to allow people to keep their pagan customs and beliefs and still celebrate what are called Christian festivals. Once again proving that we live in a world dominated by pagan traditions and beliefs. Once again Christianity is a cover up and a mask for paganism.
- But ask any theologian and even members of the Catholic Church and they will agree that Halloween is an inappropriate observation for Christians. For Stanislas Lalanne, spokesman for France’s Conference of Catholic Bishops, Halloween ‘distorts the meaning of life and death.’ The bishop of Nice, Jean Bonfils, stated that “this festival and its rituals have nothing to do with our Mediterranean and Christian culture,” and he warned Catholics against “the most important festival of Satanists the world over.”
- A TRUE Christian should not be involved in a celebration that honors the dead, the occult, witchcraft, horror, divination, and other such things that deal with Satanic images or themes.
* Some of my research shows that Pagans did not have such a God. They claim that there is nothing Satanic about Wicca, witchcraft, or Paganism. Instead, these celebrations are mystical and pay tribute to nature in some way or another. They do not sacrifice animals or anything else on Halloween, worship the Devil, or are Satanists[6]. They claim that Halloween has presented a negative stereotype of Witches or Pagans.
But regardless of the myths or "misconceptions" that certain pagans may feel about how True Christians perceive Halloween or Samhain, it is right to conclude that a Christian should not be involved in Halloween for the simple fact that it does not honor Jehovah.
Is Mother's Day harmless?
In his law to the nation of Israel, Jehovah God declared: "You must not mention the name of other gods. It should not be heard upon your mouth." (Ex. 23:13)
The Encyclopædia Britannica (1959 edition) states: "A
festival derived from the custom of mother worship in ancient Greece.
Formal mother worship, with ceremonies to Cybele, or Rhea, the Great
Mother of the Gods, were performed on the Ides of March throughout Asia
Some historians believe
that the earliest celebrations of Mother's Day was the ancient spring
festival dedicated to mother goddesses. The ancient Greek empire had a
spring festival honoring Rhea, wife of Cronus and mother of the gods and
goddesses. In Rome there was a Mother's Day-like festival dedicated to
the worship of Cybele, also a mother goddess. Ceremonies in her honor
began some 250 years before Christ was born. This Roman religious
celebration, known as Hilaria, lasted for three days - from March 15 to
Then came the adoption of Mother's Day in the United States, the New York Times of May 10, 1953, reported:
"In spite of the popularity of Cybele, .
. . and sporadic occasions honoring mothers during the Middle Ages, it
was not until 1914 that the proper combination of sentimentality,
idealistic promotion and hard business sense impelled the United States
Congress to designate the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day."Therefore, Is Mother's Day pagan or not? Based on my research and the above information, Mother's Day was originally pagan and used to worship a pagan god. But most will say: That Mother's Day has nothing to do with this United States Mother's Day. That Mother's Day was established on the grounds of Paganism but this America's Mother's Day was made official in 1914 by Congress and started by a group of women who wanted to pay tribute to their mother's. So is it wrong to celebrate Mother's Day under that origin? There seems to be no connection of Pagan roots in America's Mother's Day.
But it's interesting to point out that Anna Jarvis, the one who introduced the concept of a non-secular celebration of mothers, became disenchanted with the commercialism of the holiday. A trait that we see with most or all holidays. It got to the point that remembering a mom was not enough. Instead, cards, flowers, cake, perfume, and other items had to be purchased to make mom feel good. This is why there was eventually an attempt to stop the celebration of Mother's Day.
Let's consider though that Mother's Day is a spring celebration. And other's around the world celebrate Mother's Day in a distinctive way that involves worship to Mother Nature or Mother Earth. For example, the first rites of Spring are held over Mother's Day weekend by Pagans in New England. It is a Pagan gathering that started in 1979 on Mother's Day weekend and involves pagans, witches, and other participants from all over the world. Magical rituals are conducted during this time.
In the same way, Mother's Day is celebrated in various ways with distinctive practices and reasons all around the world.
Mother's Day is so tainted and decieving when we start looking at these different factors. Mother's Day has lost its original aim and purpose. Utimately, I find that it is up to each one of us to honor our mother each and every day. That we can set our own date any other day in the year to honor our mother. It doesn't have to be on Mother's Day. Nobody should be expecting something just because of a day. We seem to always expect something during the holidays. Instead, it should be a surprise.
Early Christians did not celebrate their birthdays. Birthdays had a strong connection with pagan religions. There is no record of birthday celebrations by the Jews in the Bible. Not even Jesus' birthday is recorded or celebrated in the Bible. There are only 2 two accounts of birthdays mentioned in the Bible, both celebrated by Pagan or non Christian individuals, both ending in a negative result.
Birthdays has its origin in astrology. Birthday cakes appears to be related to the Greek goddess Artemis, whose birthday was celebrated with moon-shaped honey cakes topped with candles. The candles with special magic to grant wishes.
The various customs with which people today celebrate their birthdays have a long history. Their origins lie in the realm of magic and religion. The customs of offering congratulations, presenting gifts and celebrating—complete with lighted candles—in ancient times were meant to protect the birthday celebrant from the demons and to ensure his security for the coming year. . . . Down to the fourth century Christianity rejected the birthday celebration as a pagan custom."—Schwäbische Zeitung (magazine supplement Zeit und Welt), April 3/4, 1981, p. 4.
to be continued...
Easter is another celebration that originates from Paganism. It is considered the most important celebration for Christians. But the truth is that the observence of Easter derives from ealier Pagan celebrations. The very name of "Easter" is of pagan origins. Easter is not a Bible based celebration. It was originally a Pagan festival introduced into the church.Socrates: "It seems to me that the feast of Easter has been introduced into the church from some old usage, just as many other customs have been established."
Even the The Catholic Encyclopedia tells us: "A great many pagan customs, celebrating the return of spring, gravitated to Easter. The egg is the emblem of the germinating life of early spring. . . . The rabbit is a pagan symbol and has always been an emblem of fertility."—(1913), Vol. V, p. 227.
The New Encyclopædia Britannica explains that the hare was "the symbol of fertility in ancient Egypt." Thus when children hunt for Easter eggs, supposedly brought by the Easter rabbit, "this is not mere child’s play, but the vestige of a fertility rite."—Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend, volume 1, page 335.
Here are some other interesting points:
* Easter marks the end of the forty days of Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends at Easter Sunday. Lent in itself was not practiced by the early Christians. It was observed in the fourth centuy after Christ and it was borrowed from pagan sources too.
* The Easter festival is an "unclean thing" because its roots are in pagan sex worship. Springtime was sacred to the sex worshipers of Phoenicia. (Phoenicia was an ancient civilization in the north of ancient Canaan.) Their fertility goddess, Astarte, or Ishtar (Aphrodite to the Greeks), had as her symbols the egg and the hare. She had an insatiable thirst for blood and immoral sex. Her statues variously depicted her as having rudely exaggerated sex organs or with an egg in her hand and a rabbit at her side.
In conclusion, Jesus did not command his followers to commemorate either his birth or his resurrection, but he did institute the Memorial of his sacrificial death. (Romans 5:8) Indeed, this is the only event he commanded his disciples to observe. (Luke 22:19, 20) Also called the Lord’s Evening Meal.
Here are some notes on St. Patricks:* St. Patrick didn't try to stamp out the old pagan rites, instead he combined the Pagan beliefs with Christian customs.
* St. Patricks super imposed the sun symbol over the Christian cross to give it its unique shape.
* He allowed the Pagans to use the bonfire as worship to God, a pagan tradition. The Irish honored their gods with fire rites and Patrick allowed new converts to gather outside the church for easter bonfires.
St. Patrick is credited for casting the Pagan/Celtic world/the old religion and driving the banishing snakes out of Ireland, but did he really? St. Patrick was successul in converting Pagans to Christians because he allowed certain Pagan rites and beliefs to continue to be practiced mixed with Christian beleifs. St. Patrick contaminated the true Christian system and introduced a new breed of false religion, a hybrid religion of Christian and Pagan, not true Christianity. He would have never made it otherwise.
Christianity replaced the pagan religion? not really...
And why is St. Patricks a Saint? No human man is a saint. Christian season of lent? Irish Catholics forbidden to eat meat, but on St. Patricks the church lifts those restrictions so that people can participate in this celebration? Isn't that contradictory?
The truth is that St. Patrick has never been a purely christian holiday. It is a combination of religous Pagan and Gaelic traditions. For example, the Shamrock is used to demostrate the Trinity, but it was also an ancient pagan symbol of the rebirth of spring.
The bottom line is that True Christians should not celebrate St.Patricks.
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