Messiah versus
Lucifer expounded in 767
MESSIAH = M (112)
+ E (104) + S (118) + S (118) + I (108) + A (100) + H (107)
= 767
LUCIFER = L (111)
+ U (120) + C (102) + I (108) + F (105) + E (104) + R (117)
= 767
With A=100, B=101, etc.,
'MESSIAH' = 767 = 'LUCIFER.' Scripture words and pages numbered
767 provide commentary on the contrast between these two. |
Gabriel sent me the following:
107 |
117 |
767 |
767 |
He also said:
"Satan is usually identified with Lucifer the chief of the fallen
angels. He has been known to be called the morning star or angel of
light. Angel of light LUCIFER - Providing light or mental
insight. False prophet will convince people he is the Messiah sent by
GOD. ...The problem is that there are two who are coming in form. The
first is the Messiah and the second is Lucifer."
I thought I would see what further insight might be gleaned by applying the
Alphabetics Word-Number Code tools to this discovery, looking up
the various occurrences of 767 in word and page numbers of scripture lexicons
and dictionaries.
Word 767 in the NT Lexicon
Word 767 in the New Testament (NT) lexicon, asemos,
means, "Without a mark, without a sign; not remarkable."
Zodhiates lists as synonyms for this word, "unworthy, of little value;
common; least; lowest, last." The antonyms are "one who makes
his mark; notable; great; foremost, first, chief; known; conspicuous."
This is loaded. First, the mention of the word "mark" is
very significant in terms of the idea of the "mark" of the beast,
which is associated with Satan.
Second, the mention of the word "sign" is interesting inasmuch as
one of Satan's lines is "show me a sign," where the sign is a
prerequisite for belief. God, however, says, "signs follow them
that believe," in which the signs are not prerequisite to but outgrowths
of belief.
Third, I think of the Savior's statement "he that would be greatest
shall be least," and "he that is the least shall be the
greatest," and "be ye servants of all." The first shall
be last and the last shall be first.
Fourth, I happened to read the segment about the deceiver, Philo, in J J
Dewey's "The Immortal"
last night. The distinguishing factor of this charlatan was that
everything he did was for effect. He was always putting on a show,
trying to garner attention to himself. John the revelator, on the other
hand, is distinguished by humility and a low key approach. How was it
that JJ found him in the first place? He was serving as a bell ringer
for the Salvation Army.
So often in the world, those who put on the biggest show and get the most
attention and praise of the world are doing the most harm to the people -- in
the name of helping the people. The current president of the United
States is a perfect example of this.
The number of the Greek name of Iesous, Jesus, is 888 (using the numeric values of the Greek
letters that spell his name). Word 888 in the NT lexicon means,
"one who is set aside as no longer useful." That is certainly
how he was treated as he came among the Jews as their Messiah. Yet
significantly, the etymology of word 888 links to the very first or ALPHA word
of the lexicon as well as the very last, the OMEGA word. Alpha and Omega
was received as "useless" by those he came to serve, yet his service
has impacted more people for good than any other person who has walked this
planet. His contemporary, Caesar, on the other hand was the one in that
day who had the most attention of the most people. And to this day he is
noted as a controlling tyrant.
That is why I have such respect for JJ. He doesn't come across as a
braggart or a charismatic leader. Rather he is very mild or meek in his
demeanor. Considering how much wisdom he has, that to me is very
Page 767 in Zodhiates' NT Lexicon
Page 767 in Zodhiates' NT lexicon is the very next
page following entry 2424, Iesous, or "Jesus" in English. The
first word coming onto the page is word 2425, which means
"sufficient." This is very significant inasmuch as in science
an experiment is considered "valid" if you can show a cause-effect
to be "necessary" and "sufficient." A word meaning
"necessary" is found on page 1480 of Zodhiates (e.g. word 5532,
chreia, which is the etymological root of word 888, which is the number of
Iesous). The number of Christos is 1480.
The last word on page 767 is 2430 Ikonion, which means "place of
images." Again I think of the phony showiness of Satan. It's
all appearances. He wants to be the anchor but is not because he lacks
the attributes to be such, therefore he puts on a show to pretend he is
something he is not.
Page 767 in Gesenius' OT Lexicon
Page 767 in Gesenius' Old Testament (OT) Lexicon
includes two words that mean "strife, contention; a forensic
cause." (7378, 7379.) This brings to my mind the idea of the
battle between good and evil. It also brings to mind the Book of Mormon
scripture about contentions being of the devil.
In contrast to this, the word before it means "irrigation,
watering" (7377), which connotes nurturing.
The last word on the page means "a companion, a friend" (7453)
which is one of the definitions of the Hebrew word "aleph," which is
also the name of the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The Rabbis
teach that "to define aleph is to define God." OX is another
meaning of aleph, inasmuch as the ox was considered tame and gentle, which are
also meanings of aleph. Appropriately, the word Gesenius lists two prior
to the end of the page means "buffalo," which is a form of
"ox" so far as the etymology of the names is concerned.
An interesting contrast of ideas is found back to back on page 767 of
Gesenius. Word 7375 means "to grow green or fresh again; to
recover; to revive after sterility;" whereas the next word means "to
break in pieces, specially to dash, to kill." Destruction and
Creation juxtaposed. The irony is that while Satan destroys that which
is good to create chaos, God destroys that which is evil to create order.
The second word on page 767 of Gesenius is 7371: "a winnowing
fan." God is said to have a fan in his hand, winnowing the wheat
from the chaff or tares.
Parallels Between Pages 767 of
Gesenius and Zodhiates
There is an interesting overlapping of word definitions between page 767 of
Gesenius' OT lexicon and page 767 of Zodhiates' NT lexicon. Word 7372 on page 767 of
Gesenius means, "to be wet with rain; especially used of the moisture of
fresh and green plants." Word 2429 on page 767 of Zodhiates means
"Moisture, dampness." Metaphorically, I think of tears, which
accompany one who serves on behalf of others and beseeches on their behalf
when they are out of the way of physical or spiritual health. This idea
is carried in word 7380 ("Ribai") of Gesenius on page 676:
"whose cause Jehovah pleads," and has a parallel definition in word
2428 on page 767 of Zodhiates: "Supplication or humble and earnest
prayer," with synonym: "intercession." It's interesting
that the Hebrew name "Ribai" is so close to the word
"Rabbi." While Satan contends for the sake of destroying, the
servants of God contend for the sake of redeeming.
Page 767 in Webster's '71
Page 767 in a Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary
I have also ties into the theme of what we have seen above.
The last word on the page, which actually takes up nearly half of the page,
is the word "serve" and various forms thereof. This matches
the idea of "he who is greatest shall be servant of all."
In opposite contrast to this, the word just before it is "serval: An
African carnivorous animal," which metaphorically connotes the idea of
ravenously feeding off of others.
Another very interesting word on the page is "serpent." The
Bible uses the word "serpent" both in reference to the devil (in the
garden) as well as to Christ (the serpent raised up on the staff of Moses in
the wilderness, which if the children of Israel would look upon they would be
healed from the poisonous snake bites they were receiving).
Page 767 in the LDS Bible Dictionary
There are but two topic headings on page 767 of the LDS Bible Dictionary found at the back
of their publication of the King James Bible. The two words are a
wonderful epitome of the contrast between good and evil, hypocrisy and
sincerity. They are: "Sadducees" and "Saint."
The first three quarters of the page is a carry over of a topic which
begins two pages prior: "Sacrifices." This word also has good
and evil manifestations of the most extreme sort. A discussion of the
differences could be the topic of an entire book. In the context of
Sadducee and Saint, I think of the outward performances (showy and empty) of
the Law of Moses versus the inward yielding (quiet yet powerful) of the heart
to God.
Page 767 of Webster's III '61
I've got another English dictionary that I
picked up at a used bookstore. It's one of those huge library
editions. On page 767 of that dictionary are found the entries
"equal" and "equate."
I found that interesting on several counts. First, the reason for
this study is the observation that the number for the spelling of
"Messiah" and for the spelling of "Lucifer" is the same
when A is 100, B is 101, etc. Hence the idea of
"equate." Yet in looking at the various occurrences of 767 we
have seen how very different the same words can be, depending on how they are
approached or applied.
But another point that could be made in this context is that though those
who pursue evil and those who pursue good are very different from one another,
both are equal in the sight of God in terms of their value and
potential. The wayward brother can always repent and seek righteousness,
and eventually will most likely do so, after he has seen the consequences of
his path and desires to change his ways.
Page 767 of Strong's Concordance
Page 767 of James Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
of the Bible is filled with listings of one heading: the word
"Own." In the context of Satan, I think of the idea of
control, exploitation and collusion. In the context of Christ, I think
of the idea of us being stewards over our own salvation, taking responsibility
for our choices, and seeking a higher path. The same word has
applications for both evil and good. Most words are that way. Most
people are that way. Hence the all-important word: "decision:"
what are we going to make of ourselves? We are all made of the same
essential substance, but what we do with that is up to us.
So with the words associated with 767 are descriptions of things devilish
as well as of things godly, showing the stark contrast between the two.
This illustrates well that what appears on the outside to be the same thing,
upon closer inspection is seen to be very different indeed. Ours is the
birthright destiny to make the choice as to which we will emulate: Messiah or
Lucifer. Both are bearers of light and love, but how you define light
and love and how you achieve those objectives makes all the difference.
Sterling D. Allan; Manti, Utah; December 17, 1999
 | The Bible, King James Version; with Topical
Guide and Bible Dictionary; published by Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, 1979. |
 | H.W.F. Gesenius;
Gesenius' Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon of the Old Testament; Baker Books,
Grand Rapids, MI 49516; 1979. ISBN: 0-8010-3736-0 (softcover) Purchase Now from |
 | James Strong;
Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible; Hendrickson Publishers, ISBN
0-917006-01-1. Purchase Now from |
 | Virginia S. Thatcher, Alexander McQueen; The New Webster Encyclopedic
Dictionary of the English Language; Consolidated Book Publishers,
Chicago, 1971. ISBN 0-8326-0021-0. |
 | Webster's
New International Dictionary, 3rd Ed.,
Unabridged; G. & C. Merriam Company (established, 1831), Springfield
2, Massachusetts, U.S.A.; 1961. |
 | Zodhiates,
Spiros; Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament AMG Publishers,
Chattanooga, TN 37422; 1992. ISBN 0-89957-663-X. Purchase
Now from |
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