- Last Updated ~ 08-02-12
- Video: SDA
Chruch's (new) opinion about the Mark of the Beast
Church preaches Christ and the Muslim Imam Mahdi are one in the same!
- Video: SDA
Student exposes massive Vatican influence in SDA colleges
- Video:SDA
Pastor calls Pope "Your Holiness" on TV
- "Elective"
Abortions Sanctioned by SDA church!
church has Pastor Jailed for using SDA Name
- 3ABN
Network sued in church sex abuse
- Famous
Adventists (Notice how they make actors (professional liars) appear
good for the SDA church!)
- Official
January 1886 Govt Document of GCSDA Joining with Govt! pdf
(They did this behind EGW's back while in Europe Her name is NOT
on the document!)
- Video: A
Bedlam of Noise at Allegheny East Conference 2012 Camp
- Video: SDA church says Allah is God!
- Video: Another SDA pastor says Allah is God!
- Adventist World says Allah is God!
- Seventh Day Adventist camp meeting turns to sex orgy
- SDA pastor says "no one knows what the mark of the beast is" (scroll to paragraph #8)
- Video: SOP prophesied "bedlam of noise" in an SDA camp meeting
- Video: Another SDA "bedlam of noise"
- NCC to speak at Andrews University
- SDA church officially sponsoring "Parliament of World Religions" (names in alphabetical order. Scroll down to see SDA name)
- Restitution
Ministries joins with SDA church!
(Who is Restitution Ministries? Click here)
- SDA hospital displays cross of Baal!
- Video: Loma Linda SDA minister Promotes Homosexual Marriage!
- Catholicism in the SDA Hymnal
- Mount Vernon SDA church teaches on Roman Catholic Easter rituals in a positive manner (notice his hair!?)
- Video: Letter from President Obama to SDA church as read by Ted Wilson Regarding unity (link repaired)
- My Jesuitcal Tendencies Here is an article where an SDA author defends the Roman Catholic Jesuits. He is also the author of "Letting the Catholics off the hook."
- Parkes SDA Church Notice the Roman Phallic symbol (steeple) and the Pagan windows
- Video: SDA Parade of Nations In this video they honor both the Pope and the Knights of Malta! @ 9:20 the GC invites the "holy see" into their gathering. No, there are not SDA churches in Vatican city, but they didn't want to say Rome, or Catholic church when announcing them for obvious reasons. So they say "holy see" instead?! To call this church the "holy see" is to agree it is "God's eyes" on earth!
- Adventists and Muslims: Five convictions Here the SDA church follows Rome's lead in yoking with those that hate and actually kill Christians.
- Loma Linda University "A note about Easter"
- Video: SDA pastor wearing Catholic robe, purple scarf of Rome and golden cross (Notice how he preaches using Pentecostal pulse as he preaches. Also notice x-mass trees)
- Power of pride SDA Elder Clifford Goldstein declares "I’m sure Jesus looks approvingly on ‘loving, monoganamous, and committed’ homosexual sodomy."
- Sunday keeping Adventist Churches (pdf)
- Video: Ex-Jesuit Rivera admits on film that Samuel Bacchiochi was in fact a Jesuit working for Rome to infiltrate the SDA church
- Andrews University Spiritualism Course The students have started a petition to try and stop it.
- List of names in SDA church teaching NLP. (pdf) NLP has two labs: lab 1 trains you how to practice mind control on others. Lab 2 trains you to be able to train others. So these 200 SDAs on this list have been trained to teach other SDAs how to practice hypnotism on other SDAs, and this list was from back in 1991!
- Video: Southern Adventist University flash mob 2011 (Watch how Rock music with drums is played very loud so all the students break in a sinful dance! They also have a dragon on stage dancing with them! At 2:05 a naked man wearing only black shorts is dancing! And then at around 2:42 president of the University, Gordon Bietz comes out with blue hair!)
- Letting Roman Catholics off the hook. (SDA church openly denies 3 angels message!!!)
- Adventists amd Muslims: Five convictions
- More apostasy in the GC SDA
- New Age sympathizer Leonard Sweet to speak at SDA Conference
- 1975 document shows GCSDA's commitment to the ordination of women (pdf)
- SDA Conference "commited to the ordination of women"
- The secret meaning of the SDA logos
- There is an SDA prophetess in Haiti!? (Does this mean EGW is null & void?)
- Video: Paula Olivier goes against God's wil and is ORDAINED TO PASTOR an SDA church
- Video: SDA church suing Creation Seventh day Adventists
- Video: SDA church attacks Creation SDA church. Tears signs down and removes books
- Creation SDA church members protest court order
- Adventists and Muslims: Five convictions (SDA church joining with Islam!)
- Adventist Today magazine OFFICIALLY denies 3 Angels Message!
- Vatican most recent "lure" to draw SDA's into their church
- Video: 3ABN discusses teaching evolution at SDA universities
- SDA deacon up on rape charges
- SDA church seeking "Muslim relations" in their study center
- 7.0 earthquake devastates Haitian Adventist community
- SDA Hymn that sings in worship to Baal
- Faith and Science in Two Divergent Adventist Traditions: A Historical Dilemma
- Book, Medallion Presented to Pope (By SDA Church)
- Review and Herald warning to GC SDA
- 2004 International Faith and Science Conference
- Cohutta Church Hosts Fifth Sunday
- SDA Hospitals build up
- California: AB 17 Slips Through After Midnight
- Merry Christmas email from Bibleinfo.com
- Clinton praises the SDA people
- SDA President asking flock to drop "Seventh-day" from name
- New Guidelines for working with non-Christians
- SDA church using music to lure Muslims
- SDA church denounces book proclaiming Pope evil
- Adventist Pastor Preaches in German Mosque
- Serbia: Adventist Church President Meets Orthodox, Roman Catholic
- SDA Church openly embracing Lent and Easter with Catholics and others
- SDA Sabbath Quarterly on 666
- Email from SDA Amazing Facts regarding Trinity
- Fire Came Down on the SDA Church From God
- Adventist Review Promotes "Loving Babylon" Conference
- General Conference hallowing Sunday worship in a book it published-
- Loma Linda Sermon ~ How to have Sex with God
- World Council of Churches faith and order (NOTE: GC SDA membership)
- NAD Declares infants hell-bound
- Adventist Review encourages Sunday Worship
- GC SDA Denounced Anti-Catholic advertisements
- Adventist Makes Presentation to a Catholic Conference
- Vatican and Protestants Begin New Talks on Justification
- List Of Those Attending Vatican Conference
- Seventh-day Adventist Headquarters Hosts Annual Christmas Program
- The Adventist Apostle of Ecumenism
- SDA Flyer for Christmas program
- SDA Church Promoting the Pope in Signs of the Times
- Adventists and World Evangelical Fellowship Consider Dialogue
- Muslims, Catholics, Protestants and SDA
- Adventist School hold a Dance for the Students
- SDA -VS- Raphel Perez mediation notice
- Adventists Sue Over Use of Name
- SDA Church using "hate" in lawsuit
- SDA Church doing Political Business on Sabbath in SDA church
- RCC and SDA Church make joint statement
- SDA President proclaims SDA a Catholic organization
- Vatican admits plans to Infiltrate SDA church
- Tonga SDA Churches keep Sunday as Sabbath
- SDA Sunday Experiment Reaches LasVegas Unchurched
- SDA church allowing Sunday worshipers to use church
- Seeker-Sensitive Church Loyal to Conference
- SDA to Sunday
- SDA ministers & teachers employed as nuns and priests
- Adventist Illusionist Shares his faith
- SDA Church teaches RCC Original sin doctrine
- SDA Hospitals unveil Vatican approved sculptures
- RCC - SDA - WCC Joint Working Group (JWG)
- Lutheran - SDA compromise
- Lutheran, Adventist Dialogue
- N.A.D brags of being a mainstream Protestant church
- SDA Church Supports Homosexual Lifestyle
- SDA Hand-in-Hand with World Council of Churches
- SDA Hymnal Is Catholic ?
- SDA fun fest sponsored on Sabbath. advertisement (pdf)
- GC Asks members to drop "Seventh-day" from SDA name
- What Pastors are Taught at Andrews University
- What to do with a problem Pastor
- Inter-religious relations: A Sikh perspective
- Could Jesus and Buddah be friends? (pdf) (NOTE: Scroll to "page 20")
- Roman Church declares SDA union on Vatican website
- Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People
- Vatican says SDA's more united with Rome around the Scripture
- Present Situation and Future of the Ecumenical Movement
- SDA church a member of the ACK (German division of WCC)
- Changes Ahead for Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
- Hinsdale Church celebrates Easter, also presenting Mel Gibson movie to members
- The Adventist Conbtribution to Biowarfare!
- SDA Leader Bert Beach honored by VATICAN and others!
- SDA church spearheading UNION WITH ROME
- Adventist Health System role in the largest Medicaid / Medicare Fraud Case in History
- Federal probe rocks Seventh-day Adventist Church
- United Nations Liaison Office of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (Image of the Beast!)
- Adventist News Network suggests Cancer patients go to AMA and calls Natural Doctors, "quacks!"
- World Church: Growing in Christ, NEW BELIEF STATEMENT VOTED!
- World Church: First Woman Vice President, Regional Presidents Voted In
- SDA Preacher declaring "God says" we should not keep the "Jewish Sabbath"
- Walla Walla SDA Collegue Praises Pope John Paul II as a "good example"
- SDA church is now selling the names of their members to advertisers
- Video documents "Project Whitecoat" where SDA church helps govt test bio-warfare on SDA soldiers. (Starts at 09:49)
- SDA church admits to gambling tithes in Stock Market. Attempts to "ok" practice as well
- Adventist Hospitals fined $8.7 MILLION by U.S. Govt for stealing from Medicare
- In Loma Linda, Adventists mix ardent spiritualism with a holistic devotion to health
- The 2005 St. Louis Session: Items of Interest (pdf) (Scroll down to page 4 about CHURCH MEMBERSHIP LOSSES of 105%)
- WCC "Towards a Common Date for Easter"
- SUNday SDA church
- Loma Linda using Lethal Radiation on Cancer Patients.
- Behind the Board of Trustees (Andrews University)
- South America: Largest Adventist Church Dedicated in Brazil
- What's an Esdeeay (SDA)? (SDA church wants to DROP "SDA" abbreviation!)
- World Council of Churches and Vatican to agree code on religious conversion 05-30-06 (SDA church is of the WCC)
- Columbia Union Conference of SDA has partnered with known "spiritualists"
- Article written by Leland R. Kaiser, PhD of the Kaiser Consulting firm used by SDA church
- World Church: Adventists, Evangelicals Commence Dialogue in Prague
- Jan Paulsen (SDA President) encourages SDA youth to take part in "clean" politics
- SDA Church Becomes a GOVERNMENT AGENCY March 07, 2006
- SDA church/hospital terrorizes injured employee
- Adventist Health Care offering YOGA, T'AI CHI and MARTIAL ARTS
- SDA Church affirms the pastoral ministry of women
- Seventh-day Adventists Denounce Their OWN Health Message as Quackery!
- SDA church promoting Christmas and Easter Musicals
- Seventh-day Adventist Church abandons claim
- Video: Alberto Rivera & Others Speak on Jesuit Infiltration (Jesuits INSIDE SDA church?!)
- SDA church endorses Rick Warren's book
- Adventists and Evangelicals Unify!
- SDA church confesses involvement with German Government during Holocaust!
- World Church: Adventist Leaders Meet United States President at White House
- Video: George W. Bush praising SDA church
- Video: Hillary Clinton praising SDA church leaders
- Seventh-day Adventists and the Ecumenical Movement
- SDA church joins other denominations in "40 days of purpose." Lent?
- SDA church listed in NCC's Yearbook
- SDA church brags of stopping 3 angels message being shared '93 when Pope visits Denver
- SDA church admits (in writing) the church uses tithes for litigation
- SDA church ADMITS to performing ABORTIONS!
- Video: SDA church advertising drinking, perverted games, (twister) Pagan facial masks, blues music, etc
- Mainstream SDA ministry ADMITS 501c3 status (501c3 = image of beast)
- Catholics and Adventists together
- Seventh Day Adventist church praises Roman Catholicism
- Seventh Day Adventist church OFFICIAL TREASURER for NCC! (scroll to~ Treasurer: Kermit Netteburg (805-955-7770)
- SDA church writes childrens books advocating Roman Catholic Trinitarian Doctrine
- SDA church itself admits to having 501c3 Tx-exempt status. (501c3 = image of beast)
- SDA church sanitarium contract push hard to swallow
- SDA church ecumenical meetinsg with Roman Catholic churches in Germany (may need to translate with Google tools)
- The Adventist Drug Problem
- Adventist, Presbyterian delegates affirm common beliefs
- Ellen G. White name TRADEMARKED!
- Adventists, World Evangelical Alliance Anticipate Statements
- Evangelicals, Adventists Consider Future Ties Despite Differences
- Video: 3ABN declares Latter Rain to spread by TV, Internet, Books, etc instead of by the Hand of God
- The General Conference Inquisition
- Instead of Present Truth and Bible study, SDA church shares psychology to Africans with HIV
- SDA Church, "Rome's little helper"
- SDA church members conned into "get rich scheme" and lose 3.2 million
- Adventists in Nazi Germnany
- Adventist health care pays out $9 MILLION for OVERBILLING medicare!
- Adventist health system to fined $20 MILLION for FRAUD
- 19 separate Adventist hosptials to pay over $1 MILLION in fines
- President of SDA church in Rwanda involved in GENOCIDE
- Roman molestations now frequent in SDA church proving infiltration
- "Signs of the Times" glorifying Roman games
- "Adventist Church Cannot be Treated as a Sect," Say Adventists and Catholics in Poland (they signed a pact with ROME!)
- Adventist Hospitals UNIONIZED
- Demonic Catholic visions of Jesus in glass at SDA Hospital (This is a BLUNT fruit of Babylon!) (Proof, it is an SDA hospital.)
- SDA members in NCC to pray with Pope
- Andrews University Allows Jesuit priest to preach pro-Catholic message (pdf)
- Adventist was human guinea pig for military during Vietnam War
- SDA Conference churches helping Vatican share Catholic faith with youth!
- Two SDA women seek to abolish weekly Sabbath! \
- Adventist Dating Online! \
- Bacchiocchi says 666 does NOT apply to Popes?
- Walla Walla SDA College exposed
- Video: SDA pastor Joe I. Grider wearing the robe of a Catholic priest with the Pagan maltese cross on it
- Video: Same SDA pastor wearing another Vatican robe (Notice he is titled as "Father" on the video)
- Video: SDA "female" pastor preaching at Mt. Rubidoux Seventh-day Adventist Church
- New Age Sympathizer Leonard Sweet to speak at SDA Conference
- List of SDA Trademark Litigations
- SDA Church invites Hindu Leader to World Headquarters
- SDA church plays important role in Obama political inauguarl events
- Jesuits admit SDA infiltration! (See page #4) (pdf)
- The SDA president, the Pope, and the Ecumenical movement
- Andrews University Dean posts Catholic education online
- Adventist Catholics
- Video: Seventh-day Adventists: Where have your donations gone?
- Video: Loma Linda Corruption May06 (Councilman lies about time. Video is well under 3:00 mins.)
- Shameful SDA
- Some SDA teachers teaching evolution
- The teaching of evolution debate
- SDA church admits to copying "Church & State" image of Rome
- Woman abused at Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy?
- Doug Batchelor embraces Ecumenicalism
- Strange quotes of Adventist Review
the revelation
Linggo, Disyembre 23, 2012
Miyerkules, Disyembre 12, 2012
What Pharmaceutical Companies Don't Want You To Know About Herbal Medicine!
Herbs or medicinal plants
have a long history in treating disease. In traditional Chinese
medicine, for example, the written history of herbal medicine goes back
over 2000 years and herbalists in the West have used “weeds” equally
long to treat that which ails us. We are all familiar with the virtues
of Garlic, Chamomile, Peppermint, Lavender, and other common herbs.
Interest in medicinal herbs is on the rise again and the interest is primarily from the pharmaceutical industry, which is always looking for ‘new drugs’ and more effective substances to treat diseases, for which there may be no or very few drugs available.
Considering the very long traditional use of herbal medicines and the large body of evidence of their effectiveness, why is it that we are not generally encouraged to use traditional herbal medicine, instead of synthetic, incomplete copies of herbs, called drugs, considering the millions of dollars being spent looking for these seemingly elusive substances?
Herbs are considered treasures when it comes to ancient cultures and herbalists, and many so-called weeds are worth their weight in gold. Dandelion, Comfrey, Digitalis (Foxglove), the Poppy, Milk Thistle, Stinging nettle, and many others, have well-researched and established medicinal qualities that have few, if any, rivals in the pharmaceutical industry. Many of them, in fact, form the bases of pharmaceutical drugs.
Research into the medicinal properties of such herbs as the humble Dandelion is currently being undertaken by scientists at the Royal Botanical Gardens, in Kew, west London, who believe it could be the source of a life-saving drug for cancer patients.
Early tests suggest that it could hold the key to warding off cancer, which kills tens of thousands of people every year.
Their work on the cancer-beating properties of the dandelion, which also has a history of being used to treat warts, is part of a much larger project to examine the natural medicinal properties of scores of British plants and flowers.
Professor Monique Simmonds, head of the Sustainable Uses of Plants Group at Kew, said: "We aren't randomly screening plants for their potential medicinal properties, we are looking at plants which we know have a long history of being used to treat certain medical problems.
“We will be examining them to find out what active compounds they contain which can treat the illness."
Unfortunately, as is so often the case, this group of scientists appears to be looking for active ingredients, which can later be synthesized and then made into pharmaceutical drugs. This is not the way herbs are used traditionally and their functions inevitably change when the active ingredients are used in isolation. That’s like saying that the only important part of a caris the engine – nothing else needs to be included.
So, why is there this need for isolating the ‘active ingredients’?
As a scientist, I can understand the need for the scientific process of establishing the fact that a particular herb works on a particular disease, pathogen or what ever, and the need to know why and how it does so. But, and this is a BIG but, as a doctor of Chinese medicine I also understand the process of choosing and prescribing COMBINATIONS of herbs, which have a synergistic effect to treat not just the disease, but any underlying condition as well as the person with the disease. That is a big difference and not one that is easily tested using standard scientific methodologies.
Using anecdotal evidence, which after all has a history of thousands of years, seems to escape my esteemed colleagues all together. Rather than trying to isolate the active ingredient(s), why not test these herbs, utilizing the knowledge of professional herbalists, on patients in vivo, using the myriad of technology available to researchers and medical diagnosticians to see how and why these herbs work in living, breathing patients, rather than in a test tube or on laboratory rats and mice (which, by the way, are not humans and have a different, although some what similar, physiology to us)?
I suspect, that among the reasons for not following the above procedure is that the pharmaceutical companies are not really interested in the effects of the medicinal plants as a whole, but rather in whether they can isolate a therapeutic substance which can then be manufactured cheaply and marketed as a new drug - and of course that’s where the money is.
The problem with this approach is, however, that medicinal plants like Comfrey, Dandelion and other herbs usually contain hundreds if not thousands of chemical compounds that interact, yet many of which are not yet understood and cannot be manufactured. This is why the manufactured drugs, based on so-called active ingredients, often do not work or produce side effects.
Aspirin is a classic case in point. Salicylic acid is the active ingredient in Aspirin tablets, and was first isolated from the bark of the White Willow tree. It is a relatively simple compound to make synthetically, however, Aspirin is known for its ability to cause stomach irritation and in some cases ulceration of the stomach wall.
The herbal extract from the bark of the White Willow tree generally does not cause stomach irritation due to other, so called ‘non-active ingredients’ contained in the bark, which function to protect the lining of the stomach thereby preventing ulceration of the stomach wall.
Ask yourself, which would I choose: Side effects, or no site effects? It’s a very simple answer. Isn’t it?
So why then are herbal medicines not used more commonly and why do we have pharmaceutical impostors stuffed down our throats? The answer is, that there’s little or no money in herbs for the pharmaceutical companies. They, the herbs, have already been invented, they grow easily, they multiply readily and for the most part, they’re freely available.
Further more, correctly prescribed and formulated herbal compounds generally resolve the health problem of the patient over a period of time, leaving no requirement to keep taking the preparation – that means no repeat sales. No ongoing prescriptions, no ongoing problem.
Pharmaceuticals on the other hand primarily aim to relieve symptoms – that means: ongoing consultations, ongoing sales, ongoing health problems. Which do you think is a more profitable proposition?
Don’t get me wrong, this is not to say that all drugs are impostors or that none of the pharmaceutical drugs cure diseases or maladies – they do and some are life-preserving preparations and are without doubt invaluable. However, herbal extracts can be similarly effective, but are not promoted and are highly under-utilized.
The daily news is full of ‘discoveries’ of herbs found to be a possible cure of this or that, as in the example of Dandelion and its possible anti-cancer properties. The point is that these herbs need to be investigated in the correct way. They are not just ‘an active ingredient’. They mostly have hundreds of ingredients and taking one or two in isolation is not what makes medicinal plants work. In addition, rarely are herbal extracts prescribed by herbalists as singles (a preparation which utilizes only one herb). Usually herbalists mix a variety of medicinal plants to make a mixture, which addresses more than just the major symptoms.
In Chinese medicine, for example, there is a strict order of hierarchy in any herbal prescription, which requires considerable depth of knowledge and experience on the physician's part. The fact that the primary or principle herb has active ingredients, which has a specific physiological effect, does not mean the other herbs are not necessary in the preparation. This is a fact seemingly ignored by the pharmaceutical industry in its need to manufacture new drugs that can control disease.
Knowing that medicinal plants are so effective, that these plants potentially hold the key to many diseases, are inexpensive and have proven their worth time and time again over millennia, why is it that herbal medicine is still not in the forefront of medical treatments, and is considered by many orthodox, medical professionals and pharmaceutical companies as hocus-pocus, hmmm?
Interest in medicinal herbs is on the rise again and the interest is primarily from the pharmaceutical industry, which is always looking for ‘new drugs’ and more effective substances to treat diseases, for which there may be no or very few drugs available.
Considering the very long traditional use of herbal medicines and the large body of evidence of their effectiveness, why is it that we are not generally encouraged to use traditional herbal medicine, instead of synthetic, incomplete copies of herbs, called drugs, considering the millions of dollars being spent looking for these seemingly elusive substances?
Herbs are considered treasures when it comes to ancient cultures and herbalists, and many so-called weeds are worth their weight in gold. Dandelion, Comfrey, Digitalis (Foxglove), the Poppy, Milk Thistle, Stinging nettle, and many others, have well-researched and established medicinal qualities that have few, if any, rivals in the pharmaceutical industry. Many of them, in fact, form the bases of pharmaceutical drugs.
Research into the medicinal properties of such herbs as the humble Dandelion is currently being undertaken by scientists at the Royal Botanical Gardens, in Kew, west London, who believe it could be the source of a life-saving drug for cancer patients.
Early tests suggest that it could hold the key to warding off cancer, which kills tens of thousands of people every year.
Their work on the cancer-beating properties of the dandelion, which also has a history of being used to treat warts, is part of a much larger project to examine the natural medicinal properties of scores of British plants and flowers.
Professor Monique Simmonds, head of the Sustainable Uses of Plants Group at Kew, said: "We aren't randomly screening plants for their potential medicinal properties, we are looking at plants which we know have a long history of being used to treat certain medical problems.
“We will be examining them to find out what active compounds they contain which can treat the illness."
Unfortunately, as is so often the case, this group of scientists appears to be looking for active ingredients, which can later be synthesized and then made into pharmaceutical drugs. This is not the way herbs are used traditionally and their functions inevitably change when the active ingredients are used in isolation. That’s like saying that the only important part of a caris the engine – nothing else needs to be included.
So, why is there this need for isolating the ‘active ingredients’?
As a scientist, I can understand the need for the scientific process of establishing the fact that a particular herb works on a particular disease, pathogen or what ever, and the need to know why and how it does so. But, and this is a BIG but, as a doctor of Chinese medicine I also understand the process of choosing and prescribing COMBINATIONS of herbs, which have a synergistic effect to treat not just the disease, but any underlying condition as well as the person with the disease. That is a big difference and not one that is easily tested using standard scientific methodologies.
Using anecdotal evidence, which after all has a history of thousands of years, seems to escape my esteemed colleagues all together. Rather than trying to isolate the active ingredient(s), why not test these herbs, utilizing the knowledge of professional herbalists, on patients in vivo, using the myriad of technology available to researchers and medical diagnosticians to see how and why these herbs work in living, breathing patients, rather than in a test tube or on laboratory rats and mice (which, by the way, are not humans and have a different, although some what similar, physiology to us)?
I suspect, that among the reasons for not following the above procedure is that the pharmaceutical companies are not really interested in the effects of the medicinal plants as a whole, but rather in whether they can isolate a therapeutic substance which can then be manufactured cheaply and marketed as a new drug - and of course that’s where the money is.
The problem with this approach is, however, that medicinal plants like Comfrey, Dandelion and other herbs usually contain hundreds if not thousands of chemical compounds that interact, yet many of which are not yet understood and cannot be manufactured. This is why the manufactured drugs, based on so-called active ingredients, often do not work or produce side effects.
Aspirin is a classic case in point. Salicylic acid is the active ingredient in Aspirin tablets, and was first isolated from the bark of the White Willow tree. It is a relatively simple compound to make synthetically, however, Aspirin is known for its ability to cause stomach irritation and in some cases ulceration of the stomach wall.
The herbal extract from the bark of the White Willow tree generally does not cause stomach irritation due to other, so called ‘non-active ingredients’ contained in the bark, which function to protect the lining of the stomach thereby preventing ulceration of the stomach wall.
Ask yourself, which would I choose: Side effects, or no site effects? It’s a very simple answer. Isn’t it?
So why then are herbal medicines not used more commonly and why do we have pharmaceutical impostors stuffed down our throats? The answer is, that there’s little or no money in herbs for the pharmaceutical companies. They, the herbs, have already been invented, they grow easily, they multiply readily and for the most part, they’re freely available.
Further more, correctly prescribed and formulated herbal compounds generally resolve the health problem of the patient over a period of time, leaving no requirement to keep taking the preparation – that means no repeat sales. No ongoing prescriptions, no ongoing problem.
Pharmaceuticals on the other hand primarily aim to relieve symptoms – that means: ongoing consultations, ongoing sales, ongoing health problems. Which do you think is a more profitable proposition?
Don’t get me wrong, this is not to say that all drugs are impostors or that none of the pharmaceutical drugs cure diseases or maladies – they do and some are life-preserving preparations and are without doubt invaluable. However, herbal extracts can be similarly effective, but are not promoted and are highly under-utilized.
The daily news is full of ‘discoveries’ of herbs found to be a possible cure of this or that, as in the example of Dandelion and its possible anti-cancer properties. The point is that these herbs need to be investigated in the correct way. They are not just ‘an active ingredient’. They mostly have hundreds of ingredients and taking one or two in isolation is not what makes medicinal plants work. In addition, rarely are herbal extracts prescribed by herbalists as singles (a preparation which utilizes only one herb). Usually herbalists mix a variety of medicinal plants to make a mixture, which addresses more than just the major symptoms.
In Chinese medicine, for example, there is a strict order of hierarchy in any herbal prescription, which requires considerable depth of knowledge and experience on the physician's part. The fact that the primary or principle herb has active ingredients, which has a specific physiological effect, does not mean the other herbs are not necessary in the preparation. This is a fact seemingly ignored by the pharmaceutical industry in its need to manufacture new drugs that can control disease.
Knowing that medicinal plants are so effective, that these plants potentially hold the key to many diseases, are inexpensive and have proven their worth time and time again over millennia, why is it that herbal medicine is still not in the forefront of medical treatments, and is considered by many orthodox, medical professionals and pharmaceutical companies as hocus-pocus, hmmm?
5 Common Questions About Generic Drugs
Summer Intern, Consumer Health Information Corporation 2008
Class of 2010: Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
Every day people come into the pharmacy and ask
questions about generic drugs. This makes a lot of sense since so many
people are receiving prescriptions for generic drugs instead of the
original brand name drugs.
It is estimated that 46% of the people in the United
States take at least one prescription drug. This means that there were
3.3 billion prescriptions dispensed in 2006. The total cost of all of
these prescriptions was $192 billion. The average cost to fill one
prescription with a brand name drug is approximately $111.02, while a
generic prescription averages $32.23. This means that you would have to
pay over THREE times as much for a brand name drug than as a generic
Many patients go to their pharmacists every day and
ask if there is any way they can lower their costs to purchase
prescription drugs. One common way that patients try to save money is
to take generic drugs instead of brand name drugs. Using generic drugs
instead of brand name drugs can save $8-$10 billion each year.
Some of the most common questions people ask about generic drugs are the following.
1.) What are Generic Drugs?
A generic drug is a copy of a brand name drug. To be sold, a generic drug must be “bioidentical” to the brand name drug. This means that the generic drug must be proven to be the same as the original brand name drug in the following ways:
• dosage form (tablet, capsule, liquid, etc.)
• strength (same amount of drug in both)
• safety
• how it is taken (by mouth, injection, etc.)
• quality
• how the medicine gets into the bloodstream and works in the body
The manufacturer must prove that their generic drug
meets these requirements before the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
will approve it and allow it to be sold to the public.
2.) Why are Generic Drugs Cheaper Than Brand Name Drugs?
A brand name drug has to go through 10-15 years of research and testing in animals and people before it can be sold to the public. During this testing, the company making the drug must prove that it is safe and effective for people to use. All of this testing can cost over $1 billion. Once the new drug is approved, the company that made and tested it receives a patent. This means that no other company can make the drug until the end of the patent, which is usually 10-15 years after the drug is released.
When a patent for a brand name drug expires, any
other company can copy the drug and sell a generic version. These other
companies must only prove that their product is the same as the brand
name drug. This means that generic drug companies do not have to spend
as much time and money because they do not have to invent or test the
drug for safety and get FDA-approval. This is why generic drugs cost
When a patent for a brand name drug expires, there
are usually a number of companies that begin to make a generic version
of the drug. Since there is more than one company making the drug, the
price is lowered even farther due to competition between all of the
different generic drug makers.
3.) Are Generic Drugs as Safe and Effective as Brand Name Drugs?
The short answer to this question is “usually yes”. A company must prove that its generic version of a drug is both safe and effective before it can be sold to the public. The company that made the original brand name drug proved during years of testing that the drug is both safe and effective.
A company that makes a generic drug must show that
its version of the drug is 80%-125% “bioequivalent” to the original
brand name drug. For example: a brand name drug is taken and it is
found that 100mg of medicine reaches the person’s bloodstream. For a
generic version of the drug to be considered safe and effective, the
active drug in the tablet or capsule must release between 80mg and 125mg
reach the bloodstream (80-125%). This means that some companies might
make generic versions that have 80mg reach the bloodstream and other
companies might make generic versions that have 125mg reach the
bloodstream. This difference isn’t a problem in most drugs. There are a
few drugs, however, in which this can be an issue.
For example, some drugs are only safe and effective
when the amount of medicine is within a small range in the bloodstream.
This small range is called a “narrow therapeutic window.” This means
that a small change in dose can cause a large change in the way the drug
acts in the body. Below the therapeutic window, the drug is not
effective. Above the therapeutic window, the drug could be harmful
because too much drug is getting into the bloodstream. It is critical
that the medicine be given in a dose that falls in the safe and
effective range.
Let’s say a person is taking one of these drugs with a
narrow therapeutic window. They have been taking a generic version of
the drug that is 80% bioequivalent to the original brand name drug.
After a few months, their pharmacy orders a generic version of the same
drug that is made by a different company. This new version is 125%
bioequivalent to the original brand name drug. This means that the new
version of the drug could contain as much as 45% more active drug than
the old version.
There are only a few drugs that have narrow therapeutic windows that need to be worried about. Some of these drugs include:
• Warfarin (used to prevent blood clots)
• Theophylline (used to improve breathing in people with asthma and other lung diseases)
• Phenytoin (used to prevent and treat seizures)
• Clonidine (used to treat high blood pressure)
• Quinidine (used to keep your heartbeat normal)
• Levothyroxine (used to treat low thyroid activity)
If you are taking one of these drugs it is very
important to talk to your pharmacist to find out the name of the company
that makes your generic drug. If you notice that your pharmacy has
switched brands for your generic drugs (if your medicine looks different
than normal), discuss this with your pharmacist and doctor and learn
what signs to watch for to make sure you are still at the correct dose.
4.) If This Generic Drug is the Same as the Brand Name Drug, Why Do They Look Different?
Just because two versions of the drug do not look the same does not mean they act differently in the body.
There are laws in the United States that say that a
generic version of a drug cannot look the same as a brand name version.
The company that makes the generic version of the drug can make it
whatever color, shape, or flavor they want as long as the amount of
active drug remains the same as the brand name drug.
5.) How Do I Know if There is a Generic Version of the Drug that I Take?
There are a few different ways to find out if there is a generic version of the drugs you take.
• The easiest way is to ask your pharmacist. They will be able to tell you if there is a generic version of a drug available or when a generic version will most likely become available. Another way is to look it up yourself.
• The FDA has a website that lists all companies that make both brand name and generic drugs: http://www.fda.gov/cder/ob/default.php. By using this website, you can search for the drug you take to find out if there are any generic versions available.
Generic Drugs are Helpful, But We Still Need Brand Name Drugs
Generic drugs are cheaper than brand name drugs because the manufacturer does not have to spend money to discover and test the drug. However, without this research and testing, new drugs would never be discovered. Generic drugs can help save money, but if new brand name drugs aren’t developed, there will not be any new drugs available to help treat diseases. There is a place for both in our healthcare system.
careful switching from one generic drug to another. ALWAYS talk to your
doctor and pharmacist before switching from a brand name drug to a
generic drug or to a different brand of generic drug.
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