Huwebes, Mayo 31, 2012


by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
December 30, 2010
from NaturalNews Website
Why are we so focused lately on health freedom and defending ourselves against the expansion of FDA power over the food supply?
Because with the federal government in a huge expansion phase, our freedoms are at risk.
We've been covering health freedom topics with great intensity lately, and that has taken away from our typical coverage of natural cures, herbal remedies, medicinal foods and so on.

Some people are asking why we've shifted our focus, and I want to answer those questions with clarity and determination.

It's one thing to know HOW to use herbs and superfoods, and there's a wealth of knowledge to be gained in that area. But it's another thing entirely to have ACCESS to those herbs and superfoods without being criminalized or harassed by the government in the process. I would say that unless you have access to those healing remedies, all the knowledge in the world of how to use them makes no difference.

Our access to natural healing remedies, superfoods and herbs is under constant threat.

For example, the FDA has outlawed supplement companies and food companies from offering scientifically-validated free speech about their products.

If a cherry company links to a scientific study on its website, providing a scientific basis for clinical evidence that cherries can help prevent gout, for example, the FDA sends them a threatening letter claiming they may be subjected to criminal prosecution, have their products seized, and even thrown in prison for selling "unapproved drugs."

Both local and federal authorities, meanwhile, have declared war on raw milk producers, treating them like drug dealers with armed raids, arrests and criminal prosecutions. If milking a cow and selling that milk to your neighbor is now a federal crime, what other foods or natural substances might the feds go after next? (It looks like they may soon outlaw the selling of breast milk!)

With the passage of the recent Food Safety Modernization Act, the FDA will be moving forward with so-called Codex Alimentarius harmonization. It's written right into the bill text.

This law also requires the FDA to set up enforcement offices in foreign nations to run a global food safety scheme that will try to pasteurize, irradiate or fumigate virtually all foods entering the United States. This is an effort to kill these foods and destroy most of their nutritive qualities.

"Safety" is just the excuse to sterilize your food.

This same law also gives the FDA authority to inspect and shut down backyard gardeners, small local farmers, small greenhouse operations, people who sell items at the farmers' market, and so on.
No, these groups are not automatically exempt from the bill as was claimed by bill proponents:
They must "apply" to be granted exemption by the FDA - a process requiring them to produce tax returns, safety documentation and a pile of paperwork that the FDA can choose to declare "insufficient."
With our health freedoms under attack, it's crucial that we take a stand and support our Natural Law rights (God-given rights) to grow our own food and medicine, to buy food and natural medicine, and to sell what we grow to our local neighbors and community members.

All these rights are under assault by the federal government, and if we don't work to oppose the tyrants who want to take away our access to healing foods, herbs and supplements, we may end up living in a nation where vitamins are outlawed (or at least the natural, food-based vitamins are), herbs are regulated off the shelves and local farmers' markets are shut down.

Instead of getting your food from a neighbor, you'll have to get it from a food factory that passes the FDA's "safety" inspections even though it's still injecting aspartame, sodium nitrite and MSG into its food products. (The FDA considers all those chemical food additives to be "safe," believe it or not.)

Why protecting our freedoms is crucial to our health
If we do nothing and stay silent, it is guaranteed that our access to natural remedies and honest food will be stolen from us by tyrannical bureaucrats who incessantly work to protect the financial interests of Big Pharma and the sick-care industry.

They don't necessarily want you to be well. They don't want you to buy local food. What they want is to turn consumers into cattle, where they feed you dead, processed foods and then make a fortune off the degenerative disease that inevitably develops as a result.

And they especially want you to do what you're told and stop questioning vaccines. Stop questioning the chemicals in the food. Just eat it, swallow and buy into it.

What I seek to do, on the other hand, is protect our food freedoms by alerting you when those freedoms are under attack.

I aim to expose the true agenda of the FDA and Big Government tyrants who are trying to take away your raw milk, take away your access to nutritional supplements and censor the truth about how natural remedies can prevent and even cure serious disease.

Health freedom protection is a team effort
In addition to NaturalNews, other health freedom organizations are also part of the leading edge of this fight:
Authors such as Naomi Wolf, Lew Rockwell, Ed Griffin, Dr Gary North and many others are beating the freedom drum on other fronts that are just as important (the FED, the police state, etc.).

We are, collectively, your early warning system. We are alerting you to the very real threats that are headed your way, and we're trying to prevent the tyrants from taking over.
  • The TSA is now shoving their hands down your pants at the airports (who would have even imagined that a decade ago?).
  • The FDA is threatening walnut company founders with prison time for telling the truth about the health benefits of walnuts.
  • The DEA is ignoring state law and raiding medicinal marijuana dispensaries that are 100% compliant with state and local laws.
  • The FED is giving away trillions of dollars to foreign corporations.
  • The President is granting health care waivers to McDonald's and hundreds of other corporations that will be exempted from Obamacare regulations.
  • The CDC keeps pushing flu vaccine propaganda based on junk science while avoiding any mention of vitamin D.
Need I go on?

One by one, nearly every government agency is on a power trip, seeking to expand its power at the expense of your freedom. The tyrants are running loose in America, and if we don't reverse this dangerous trend, there is absolutely no question where we will end up because history teaches this lesson well:
A police state nation run by the wealthy elite corporatists who dictate government policy and centralize power into their own hands (while stealing it out of yours).
They want power over everything you do:
What you eat, what you buy, how you save your money (did you notice U.S. banks don't let you save money in foreign currencies?), what you think (TV programming), what you read (don't read Wikileaks or you'll never get a government job!) and even how you live and die (sick-care monopoly).
The government does not want you to have free choice over your body, your mind, your finances or your future. They want to control your choices while giving you the illusion of choice. Sure, go out a vote every two years and see if it really makes any difference. The corporations already run Congress.

Whether you vote Republican or Democrat, they still call the shots at the top.

Can't we just meditate our way out of this?
There are quite a number of "create your own reality" people who believe we can all just meditate our way out of this.

The thinking goes like this:
Since we create our own reality, we can just sit in our rooms and imagine the world being a better place, and it will come true.
I'm not trying to make fun of this position.

There is merit to it, but as much as I value meditation, positive thinking and even to some extent the Law of Attraction, it is a mistranslation of those principles to think that we do not have to take a stand in the real world, from time to time, against those who would steal our freedoms from us.

What would have happened in India if Gandhi just sat around and meditated instead of leading his people on his famous resistance march to gather salt? That the British Empire outlawed salt in India and forbade is people from harvesting it is very much the same as the U.S. government outlawing raw milk or dictating the operations of small family farms.

We are experiencing an historical rise of tyranny in America, and we must rise up against it or be overrun by it.

What would have happened in colonial America of Paul Revere, instead of riding his horse to warn his neighbors that the British were coming, just sat in his living room and tried to think positive thoughts instead? Quite possibly, Americans might still be British subjects today.

If you want proof of what happens when you sit around and meditate instead of taking a real-world stand against oppression and tyranny, just look at the Tibetan Buddhists. You won't find a more peaceful, dedicated group of wise meditators anywhere on the planet.

I've visited Buddhist temples on high mountaintops in Asia. I've spent time with these people face to face, and I have incredible admiration for them. I've read many books written by the Dalai Lama and have incorporated several Buddhists principles into my own life.

But even I cannot deny the fact that the Chinese government rolled right over them throughout mainland China, destroying their temples, arresting their priests and sending their congregation members into the gulag.

The Dalai Lama lives in exile! And why? Because the Chinese government stampeded over them. Meditation doesn't stop bullets. And when evil is running rampant across our lands, evil must be met with force... and then stopped cold.

I'm not faulting the Buddhists for choosing meditation over armed resistance. It is a legitimate spiritual decision to avoid violence and refuse to take part in any resistance movement, but once you choose that path, the outcome is never in doubt:
Big Government will roll right over you because governments incessantly desire more power, and they will always seek to secure more power at any cost.
Even if it means eradicating an entire religion.

Real action is needed to preserve liberty
So for those who believe they can sit in candle-lit rooms and meditate our way out of tyranny, I thank you for your positive vibes, but I will not limit my own actions to such passivism.

I know from my time in this world, having lived in numerous countries and spoken different languages around the world, that those who retain freedom are those who actively defend it. Eternal vigilance, as Jefferson said, is the price of freedom.

My goal with NaturalNews is to be eternally vigilant; to help protect your food freedoms, your access to natural healing herbs and supplements, and to secure your natural law rights to grow your own food (and medicine) and sell it to your neighbors if you so choose.

Your right to grow food and to engage in free commerce of your food is a "natural law" that exists as an even higher authority than the Constitution itself. It is a law of God and nature. You are born with it. No bureaucrat, no tyrant and no government can take it away from you (but they will try).

I believe in Liberty, I believe in America's founding principles, and I believe in the Bill of Rights. And I will fight to defend it. Nowhere in the world is there another country that is more free than America once was. This freedom is worth fighting for.

I was not so adamant about this point until recently, when Big Government began reaching down our pants at the airport and the S.510 food safety bill passed.

Today, I cannot stand by idly and do nothing while our food freedoms are threatened. Codex harmonization is on the horizon. The Department of Homeland Security has us all spying on each other at Wal-Mart. The GMO conspiracy is very real and very powerful, and they want us all to eat their poisonous corn and soy products so that we become diseased and infertile.

I will resist this effort with every ounce of breath in my body. I will continue to work to expose the dangers of vaccines, GMOs, fluoride, MSG and other chemicals, and I will do my best to promote the healing properties of natural foods, healing herbs, superfoods and nutritional supplements.

By the way, I haven't made this publicly known until now, but I was offered a very large sum of money to walk away from NaturalNews and sell it to a multinational corporation. I turned that down without hesitation. This has never been about money or profit.

I still don't get paid any salary for being the editor of NaturalNews. I don't earn any royalties on the products we sell through our store - every dollar goes back into NaturalNews to expand our content, build our content base and attract new readers who also want to know the truth.

We continue to grow our reach and expand our audience by the day! Our video site is exploding in popularity (www.Naturalnews.TV), our news site reaches millions of readers each month, and we have a lineup of video mini-documentaries coming in 2011 that will absolutely blow your mind.

Along with people like Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones, Jonathan Emord and James Turner (and many others), we are winning the fight against tyranny.
We are Journalism 2.0 - it's the new journalism where you can't buy us off, you can't control our message, and you can't stop us because we are powered by the People who support our efforts, who believe in our mission and who absolutely will not stop until they are free.

That's why I do what I do. That's why I work 16 hour days and spend nearly every waking hour thinking of new ways to spread knowledge, enlightenment and a message of FREEDOM for our collective future.

And that's why I've been writing about health freedom rather than the specific properties of medicinal herbs and nutrients. It is crucial that we protect our natural rights to food and natural medicine, even it is means putting other projects to the side for the moment.

I thank you for your ongoing support in this mission. Our future is, in every way, worth fighting for.

And with your help, we can make sure that future is one based on freedom rather than tyranny.

- Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
Editor of


by Patrick M. Wood
formerly titled 'For Sale: The United States of America'
from AugustReview Website
How well has America fared in the last 25 years?
As a country, are we financially healthier or are we on the verge of a melt-down?
These issues are explored, along with some concrete examples of how the "money-laundry" works.
The Trilateral Commission's 1973 vision of a "New International Economic Order " has swept the world like a hurricane.


In 1978, Trilaterals Over Washington revealed the global strategy of the Trilateral Commission and it's co-founders David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski, in particular, provided the intellectual reasoning and political strategy for the "New International Economic Order".

Brzezinski was also an astute political operator. He is credited as the first person to take interest in Jimmy Carter, to mentor him in globalism starting in 1973 when Carter was chosen to be part of the Trilateral Commission.
Upon Carter's election victory in 1976, Brzezinski was appointed National Security Advisor. By the end of 1976, Carter had appointed no less than 19 members of the Trilateral Commission to high-ranking government positions. These 19 members represented just under 20% of the entire U.S. delegation of the Trilateral Commission.

The stage was now set for their power to become permanently embedded. Each successive Administration has been disproportionally dominated by members of the Trilateral Commission:
  • George H.W. Bush
  • William Jefferson Clinton
  • Richard B. Cheney
Each administration filled top posts from the Trilateral Commission. Think-tanks connected to the Trilateral Commission cranked out volumes of studies that droned on and on about the New International Economic Order and the need for political change.

Looking backward to Brzezinski, however, is necessary because he most clearly and lucidly embodied the heart and soul of the rush to globalism. He created the watershed that initiated the plundering of America and the buildup of the global corporate elite. This issue intends to quantify the extent of this plundering.

Brzezinski was interviewed in 1974 by the Brazilian newspaper Vega:
"How would you define this new world order?"
Brzezinski declared,
"...the reality of our times is that a modern society such as the U.S. needs a central coordinating and renovating organ which cannot be made up of six hundred people."
In his 1969 book Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era, he wrote that the,
"nation-state as a fundamental unit of man's organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state."
Indeed, members of the Trilateral Commission chosen from north America, Europe and Asia (mostly Japan), are all in agreement on this point -- the nation-state only gets in the way of so-called "free trade" and therefore must be closely manipulated for their own common good.
Collectively, they have taken a self-induced quantum leap above national law, into an elevated position of making their own rules as they go. We see some direct evidence of such an attitude, for instance, when President Bill Clinton had no particular legal qualms (or consequences) of giving (free or for money) top-secret missile technology to Communist China.

The gathering of corporate elites in the Trilateral Commission started with names such as:
  • Coca Cola
  • Ford Motor
  • Deere & Co.
  • Hewlett-Packard
  • Cargill
  • Chase Manhattan Bank
  • Cummins Engine
  • Texas Instruments
  • Honeywell
  • Bechtel Corporation
  • Weyerhauser
  • General Motors
  • Boeing
  • and many others....
Today, we see the same kind of makeup:
  • Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)
  • J.P. Morgan-Chase
  • Goldman, Sachs & Co.
  • Pitney Bowes
  • GE
  • Citigroup
  • American International Group (AIF)
  • Bank of America
  • Xerox
  • Halliburton,
...just to name a few.

To summarize then, the real plundering of America started with the founding of the Trilateral Commission in 1973 and the consolidation of power in 1976 with the dominance of the Carter Administration.
When one begins to see the pattern emerging, many unanswered questions start to clear up. Why does President George Bush so pointedly want to eliminate the U.S./Mexican border? Why the stampede to outsource American jobs, even to the hurt of our own citizens? Why do people around the world intuitively hate the World Trade Organization, NAFTA and CAFTA? (The last question suggests that the U.S. is not the only nation-state being plundered these days.)
Nations are financially disintegrating while global corporations grow fantastically richer.

One might protest that the scope of this operation is just too fantastic and huge to be real. This writer would remind the skeptic that U.S. history is littered with monopolistic tycoons who tried to get a lever on the societies they lived in. Monopolies are blind to politics, except when politics can be manipulated to establish or extend the Monopoly.
The vast majority of Americans are left completely in the dark because American mainstream media, collectively slanted toward globalism, has been dominated by the very same globalists who founded the Trilateral Commission in the first place:
  1. New York Times
  2. Time-Warner
  3. Chicago Sun-Times
  4. Los Angeles Times
  5. Foreign Policy Magazine
  6. Comcast
  7. CBS
  8. Atlantic Media
  9. The Rand Corporation
  10. Washington Post
  11. Dow Jones & Company
  12. U.S. News
  13. World Report,
...all have direct representation on the Trilateral Commission.
One night, probably in 1880, John Swinton, then the preeminent New York journalist, was the guest of honor at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft. Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to 'the independent press.'
Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying:
"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.

There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.

"The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread.
You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an 'independent press'?

We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."

(Source: Labor's Untold Story, by Richard O. Boyer and Herbert M. Morais, published by United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America, NY, 1955/1979.)

The reader is encouraged to read Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II, to get a deeper sense of background on these issues.

The State of the Nation

This issue attempts to give the reader a background and perspective on the state of affairs of American business.

There are three factors to consider.
  1. First, there is the government itself.
  2. Second, there is private industry. Although they are very different types of entities, they both can adequately be described in terms of flows of income.
  3. Third, we will look at the transfer of ownership of U.S. based corporations to foreign ownership.
In the case of the government, there has been virtually no restraint on keeping its spending within its income. Whenever it spent outside of income-in-hand, borrowing whatever extra was needed was all too easy.
You can quickly see what the last 37 years look like from the chart above. Prior to 1975, budget deficits were very small. The upward trend started in earnest in 1975. A brief surplus was recorded between 1998 and 2001.

Presiding presidents are purposefully not mentioned because they are irrelevant to the big picture.

It should also stand out that there are three troughs: the first "peaked" in 1986, the second in 1992 and the third in 2005. The extremity cycle is approximately 6 years long.
The cumulative effect of these deficits on the U.S. national debt is quite dramatic. In 1970, the debt was well under the $1 trillion level. Today, it stands over $8 trillion, a 10-fold increase.

To put this in personal terms, every man, woman and child in America owes $28,500 each. A family of 4 collectively owes $114,000. You might say, "But, that's the government debt, not mine!" The fact is though, we are the government. Except that taxpayers pay taxes, the federal government would have no source of income whatever.
So, let's take a look at the business economy now.
A trade deficit occurs when we import more than we export. A surplus occurs when the reverse is true. Whether positive or negative, the figure is called the "current account".

Since 1981, America has been in the red every single year. The curve is similar in nature to the National Debt curve: very low deficits in the 70's and early 80's, then rising dramatically during the 90's into the current decade.

In the chart to the right, you can see that the gap between imports (orange line) and exports (purple line) is widening at an increasing rate every year. The bottom curve shows the negative balance on the current account as it accumulates more and more red ink. Currently, the annualized rate of the current trade deficit is easily $600 billion.

By contrast, there were only two years in the decade of the 1970's that had small trade deficits.

In March, the Business Telegraph in London reported that the March (2005) deficit of $55 billion was well below the $60 billion that was expected by the markets.
"It's a relief," said James Glassman, senior economist at JP Morgan Chase in New York. "It does dampen the fears that there was something bad going on in the US economy."
The psychology at play here is amazing. The fact that the trade deficit for a single month is $55 billion instead of $60 billion is a cause for reassurance that nothing bad is happening to the U.S. economy? On the other hand, note that Glassman is senior economist at JP Morgan Chase bank which has been at the very core of the New International Economic Order from the beginning.

The third area to look at is transfer of ownership. Corporate mergers are everywhere. It's so confusing that most people don't have a clue who owns what anymore.
Outlays for New Investment in the United States by Foreign Direct Investors, 1980-2003
(Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis)
During the 1960's, American business increased its ownership in the U.S. every year except one. During the 1970's, there were only 5 years that we increased our position. Since 1982, there has not been one single year where foreign investment did not outstrip our own... and dramatically so, to the tune of $3.8 trillion.
You ask, "How can this happen?" Simple.


Consider a few mergers from recent history - do you recognize any of these "American" names?
American Company
Foreign Company
Purchase Amount
Amoco Corp
British Petroleum Co PLC
United Kingdom
$48.17 Billion
BP Amoco PLC
United Kingdom
$27.22 Billion
Texaco-US Refining & Marketing
Shell Oil-Western US Business
$3.964 Billion
AirTouch Communications Inc
Vodafone Group PLC
United Kingdom
$60.29 Billion
VoiceStream Wireless Corp
Deutsche Telekom AG
$29.40 Billion
Chrysler Corp
Daimler-Benz AG
$40.47 Billion
Harcourt General Inc
Reed Elsevier Group PLC
United Kingdom
$5.60 Billion
Simon & Schuster-Educ, Prof
Pearson PLC
United Kingdom
$4.60 Billion
Magma Copper Co
$2.432 Billion
John Hancock Finl Svcs Inc
Manulife Financial Corp
$11.06 Billion
TransAmerica Corp
Aegon NV
$9.691 Billion
SmithKline Beckman Corp
Beecham Group PLC
United Kingdom
$7.922 Billion

These few examples are listed only to give you a flavor of the depth of penetration of foreign purchases into the core of American industry. In order to get to an aggregate of $3.8 trillion, you can hardly imagine how many billion dollar deals there have been over 20 years. In short, America is literally being sold out from under us.

Let's summarize this now. In the past 35 years, the U.S. government has racked up over $8 trillion in debt. The current trade deficit for 2005 alone will likely exceed $600 billion (importing more than we export). The $3.8 trillion of showcase American companies have been sold to foreigners.

Is something wrong with this picture?

When this writer began to do research for Trilaterals Over Washington in the late 1970's, we focused on the Trilateral Commission because it was very apparent that it was laying the groundwork for -- in their own words -- a "New International Economic Order" The concept of the nation-state was outdated and we were moving into an era of "interdependence."

David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski founded the Trilateral Commission in 1973. It has been composed of slightly over 300 members chosen from North America, Europe and Asia (primarily Japan). The members are literally the Who's Who of global elitists: top politicians, think-tank philosophers, industrialists and bankers.

We clearly documented in Trilaterals Over Washington that the move toward global economic consolidation was well on its way. Twenty-five years later, we are standing under an avalanche of economic deterioration.

During these 25 years, America has literally "LOST its shirt". We are technically quite bankrupt.

Corporate profits during this same time, however, have seen huge and consistent profits. Those global-minded companies in particular (e.g., corporate board members who belong to the Trilateral Commission) have profited even more.

According to the BEA, aggregate corporate profits totaled $874 billion in 2002, $1.02 trillion in 2003 and $1.2 trillion in 2004. Exxon increased its annual earnings from $21.5 billion in 2003 to $25.33 billion in 2004. This was not uncommon.

Is it possible that the U.S. can be stripped to the bone while multinational corporations get rich? Was it planned this way from the beginning (circa 1973)? Yes, and yes.

There is another aspect of national bankruptcy that needs to be mentioned, namely, the landslide loss of technological genius that made America great in the first place.
Putting aside the legal and illegal transfers of technology to China during the Clinton administration, consider the case of IBM:
Lenovo, China's largest PC company, has completed a $1.25 billion acquisition of IBM's Personal Computing Division (PCD). Lenovo, which already has a third of the Chinese PC market and shares in enterprise PC markets around the world, says this deal makes it a new international IT competitor and the world's third-largest personal computing company.
The PCD acquisition, first announced in December, means, according to newly named Lenovo CEO Stephen Ward, that the company will have combined annual PC revenue of about $13 billion and volume of about 14 million units. Ward says Lenovo expects immediate synergies through complementary customer bases, product offerings and geographic coverage, among other things.
(SA Computer Magazine, 5-3-2005)
That is, the very company that invented the PC and literally revolutionized the world has now sold 100% of their Personal Computing Division to a Communist nation who have sworn many times that they will bury us. Chinese engineers will soon be moving into IBM's Armonk, NY headquarters to take over.

Another example is that Steven Chen, a Taiwanese-born American citizen and one of America's most brilliant and top supercomputer designers, quit his post with Silicon Graphics and is moving to mainland China. He is choosing to build his next generation supercomputer in China

According to IDC, the premier intelligence resource and forecaster in the computer world,
Attracting a leading supercomputer designer like Chen is good news for the growing Chinese computer industry. China has recently been primarily focusing its high-performance technical computer designs on commodity component clusters. In general, clusters provide very attractive price-performance but lack some of the high-end capabilities provided by traditional supercomputers. Chen plans to bridge the gap by building high-performance blade-based clusters in China and offering them for sale around the world.
If America's technology prowess is a national treasure, then people like Steven Chen are national treasures also. How is it that we cannot offer enough enticement to keep such a talent in the United States?
In an age where sports figures can command million of dollars per season for pure entertainment, this seems rather odd. It's not just that Chen isn't helping the U.S. but that he is helping a Communist government develop technology that can be used against us - commercially and militarily.

Example of a "Blind Eye"

The New York Times carried an article on May 17, 2005, "Bush's Choice: Anger China or Congress Over Currency."
China bought more than $200 billion in Treasuries last year, bringing their total ownership of U.S. debt to a whopping $650 billion. These purchases essentially finance a comparable trade deficit with China. Because China's currency, the yuan, is pegged to the U.S. dollar, China is in a position to manipulate the system (undervaluing its currency) and gain a whopping trade advantage over America.

U.S. Businesses have filed volumes of complaints with the U.S. Trade Representative, Rob Portman, about issues ranging from China's dumping of products at prices below cost of manufacturing, to widespread copyright and patent violations. Congress is somewhat sensitive to this issue and, bucking the president, is pushing for tariffs and quotas against China to punish them for milking the system.

Bush must now be critical of China (and infuriate China) or give China a clean bill of health and say that everything is fine (and infuriate Congress and the American people).

So, what do you do when you've invited an 800 pound gorilla into your living room? You pray he doesn't get mad when you ask him to leave.

Treasury Secretary John Snow is on the spot. In the past, he has refused to criticize China openly, but rather seeks to rely on "financial diplomacy" instead. He believes that China can be persuaded that flexible exchange rates ought to be in its own interest.

Mr. Snow, in an interview on Monday with CNBC, reiterated his optimism that China would change policy on its own.
"I'm convinced they will move," Mr. Snow said. "Now is the time. We're anxious to see them move. It's time."
What evidence does Snow have that China will voluntarily pull back from an opportunity to plunder the U.S.? His wishful thinking that they might compliantly respond to our being "anxious" to see them move?

It is easier to understand the conflict of interest if you look back a few years at John Snow's career.
From 1994-1996, Snow was chairman of the Business Roundtable, an association of 250 chief executive officers of the largest corporations, representing over $3.7 trillion in combined revenues. During that time, he was a key player in supporting the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

He recently received the Marco Polo Award (2001), awarded by the U.S.-China Foundation for International Exchanges as the highest honor that can be given to a foreign business leader. He is a director of CarMax, U.S. Steel, Johnson & Johnson, Verizon Communications, sits on the boards of Johns Hopkins University, is chairman of the Kennedy Center Corporate Fund Board, and is a member of the Business Council and Business Roundtable.

In short, Snow has been at the corporate center of promoting globalism and in particular, building China's trade for many years. As Treasury Secretary, he is in an influential position of trust to protect the American people from economic harm. But, will he?

To understand more completely, ask yourself this question. Who invested money in, and built up, this 800 pound gorilla?

Take Bechtel for instance, one of the largest construction and engineering companies in the world.
In 1994, Bechtel was the first U.S. company to receive a construction license in China. It has completed 80 major projects in China and has permanent offices located in Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei and Hong Kong. Its latest project is a $4.3 billion petrochemical complex in Daya Bay that will produce 2.3 million tons of products annually. It's being touted as one of the largest Sino-foreign investments to date, and is 50% owned by a subsidiary of Royal Dutch/Shell.

If we say, "China is really profiting from the U.S.", to whom are we really referring? It's true that the Chinese government is getting an advantage from the increase in economic activity, but who are the front-line collectors of revenue and aggregators of profit in China?
That's right, it's the same multinational corporations.

So, as noted above, when John Snow reiterates his optimism that China will change policy on its own, you can see just how selective his vision is. As long as China's policy remains as it is, America gets plundered and the global corporations in China rack up record profits.

This issue contends that America is For Sale.
The sale is "under the table" in that the American people don't have a clue that it's being slowly sold out from under their feet, one piece at a time. The sale is deceptive because as the red ink grows larger and larger, we are told by these same globalists that trade and budget deficits don't really matter that much. The sale is dishonest because it was planned from the beginning by elitist groups like the Trilateral Commission, to twist and manipulate the system to their own benefit.

The fact that America's downward financial spiral started in earnest shortly after the Trilateral Commission was founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, is not incidental.
The very policies that brought us the "New International Economic Order" (their own phrase) have wrecked our country. This is not an anecdotal observation, as will be demonstrated over and over in future issues of The August Review.

America is in a very grievous and trepid situation.
Any number of isolated incidents could touch off a financial firestorm that burns our house to the ground. When a company goes bankrupt, it is seldom advertised in advance. Its customers, shareholders and debtors are invariably in a state of shock when the bankruptcy occurs, even though hind site shows that there were ample evidences of impending bankruptcy. So it is with America: There is evidence everywhere of what is happening to us, but there are few eyes to see it nor ears to hear it.

In 30-40 short years, America has gone from the strongest and most stable nation in the world, to one of the weakest and unstable.
Poor Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall and had a great fall, but few people will see the real truth that Humpty was actually pushed!



from HenryMakow Website
The Chinese people would revolt against overt foreign domination, but embrace their place in
the NWO if they believed they were in control.

by St. John Bartholomew
February 12, 2012
Left, David Rockefeller and Zhou Enlai and chamber pot in 1973.
The Chinese elite is a merger between the Communist leadership, Hong Kong tycoons, and the criminal Triads. All three factions derive derive their power from Illuminati collaboration.

China has appeared autonomous because the Illuminati developed the country internally, funding 'revolutionary' political parties spouting nationalist slogans. The reasoning was that the Chinese people would revolt against overt foreign domination, but embrace their place in the NWO if they believed they were in control.

Lord Bertrand Russell revealed this plan in a report on China published in 1920:
'Out of the renaissance spirit now existing in China, it is possible, if foreign nations can be prevented from wreaking havoc, to develop a new civilization better than any that the world has yet known.'
The fascist superpower we know today was created in the second half of the 20th century by the bogus Cold War dialectic of communism vs. capitalism.

The stage was set in 1898 when Britain and China signed a contract stipulating that Hong Kong would be handed back to the Chinese in 1997. This meant that the fierce Communism of the mainland and laissez faire capitalism of Hong Kong were always destined to merge.

The process of unification gave rise to the current China power elite. What follows is background of the three main factions.


Because Communism is an Illuminati creation, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are by definition, Illuminati agents.

Mao was a Soviet agent. (Mao-The Untold Story, Chang & Halliday, p.49.) He was a product of the Yale in China "Missionary" i.e. OSS, Skull & Bones program.

The CCP implemented policies that set the foundations for an Illuminati super state. They unified the country, attacked traditional Chinese culture, instigated industrialization programs and created a common language.

Wang Hao, a historian at the China Institute of International Studies, has recorded that Mao's deputy Zhou Enlai met David Rockefeller in June 1973:
'When meeting David Rockefeller, Zhou said to him that it was necessary to find appropriate methods conducive to the development of the trade between two sides under different political systems.'
The corporate-communist merger began when Deng Xiaoping came to power in the late 1970s and introduced his market reforms with the slogan "to get rich is glorious."

However, after 30 years of Maoism his regime was hopelessly ill equipped to run a market economy. They turned to the wealthiest Chinese tycoons in Hong Kong for guidance.


The most powerful HK tycoon is Li Ka-Shing, the richest Asian in the world and an Illuminati insider.

Other prominent tycoons are 'HK's godfather of real estate' Henry Fok, 'The king of gambling' Stanley Ho and the man who would be chosen by Beijing to head Hong Kong after the departure of the British, Tung Chee-Wa.

It is important to realize that these men rose to power and prestige in a British colony, i.e. they were vetted by the City of London to be colonial leaders. This is illustrated by the rise of Li Ka Shing.

As HK developed, Li emerged as the most brilliant Chinese entrepreneur. The 'Brotherhood bankers' of Hong Kong became aware of his mercantile genius and brought him into the fold.

In 1979 Li took control of Hutchinson Whampoa, one of the old British companies that had long dominated Hong Kong's economy. Companies of such political importance are not given away casually. In 2000, the Queen awarded Li the title of 'Knight (Commander of the Order) of the British Empire.'

In the early eighties, the tycoons and the communists had a series of meetings in Beijing. They struck a deal whereby the tycoons advised and educated the Chinese authorities about markets and in return Beijing gave them privileged access to their vast economic basin.
In 1984 the two groups founded CITIC, the organization that managed China's transition to market economy.


The Triads is a collective term for the secret societies and criminal groups that originated in 18th century China with the aim to bring down the Qing dynasty.

For over a century the Illuminati waged war against the Qing dynasty. The Triads were their vehicle for subversion and revolution, in a similar fashion to Freemasonry in Western revolutions.

For instance, during the opium wars, the Triads helped bring the drug into China. The revolutionary Nationalist Government that toppled the Qing dynasty in 1912 was a coalition of triad groups. Sun Yat-sen, the man who led the nationalist coalition that toppled the Qing in 1912, was a Triad member and was trained and armed in British Hong Kong. Chiang Kai-shek was also a Triad member.

When the Communists achieved dominance in 1949 they kicked the Triads out of the country. They fled mainly to Hong Kong and Taiwan to re-build. Chiang Kai-shek continued to publicly receive US funding.

Today the Triads are best known as the world's largest criminal entity, involved in drug trafficking, prostitution, money laundering etc. They exist in any country with a large Chinese population, notably in Canada, Britain, USA and Australia.

Former Canadian diplomat Brian McAdam said:
"Within each Chinese community, there's usually a strong Triad presence controlling and extorting money from the businesses, and if there's drugs, they're bringing them in."
Of the Triads enormous global reach Fritz Springmeier has written:
'The Triads are the most powerful criminal fraternal group in the world, except for the Illuminati and the families that make up the Illuminati's Committee of 300. The Mafia Is small peanuts compared to the Triads.

The Triads are almost untouchable by any law enforcement group. For instance, in Great Britain the British do not have hardly any ethnic Chinese on their police force to even try infiltrating the Triads.'
A key source of this power is that they partner the Far East Lodges of Freemasonry in running the Asian drugs trade, notably the production of heroin in the 'golden triangle' in South East Asia, second only to Afghanistan.
Drug trafficking is very important to the Illuminati because it funds black budget programs.

The most powerful Triads in Hong Kong have their own territories, headquarters, sub-societies and public fronts. They are allied with the tycoons. The tycoon's own Hong Kong and the triads run it. A few of these are Sun Yee On, Wo Hop To and 14K. To insure a smooth handover of Hong Kong in 1997, the communist leadership needed these groups onside.

In the early 80s, the Chinese government convened a secret meeting between the 'Dragon Heads' of the major Triad groups operational in Hong Kong. The communists informed the dragons that if they agreed not to interfere with the takeover transition, they would be allowed to continue their criminal activities without interference.

Following these successful negotiations, Deng Xiaoping spoke of the triads as Chinese "patriotic groups" and the Hong Kong press published a photograph of Charles Heung, a senior officer of Sun Yee On, conversing with Deng's daughter.

In 1992, Western Intelligence Services became aware Wong Man Fong - formerly head of China's central news agency - was helping the triads to set up legitimate businesses in China, particularly in Guangzhou and Shanghai.


The mainstream media portrays China as hostile to Western power. However, by studying the triumvirate Chinese elite and their intimate ties to the Illuminati, it is clear that modern China is an Illuminati creation.

The Chinese elite must never stray from the NWO agenda, for it follows that if the Illuminati made them, they can break them too.

Part II
Illuminati Use China to Loot the West
by our Beijing Correspondent
March 8, 2012
For a foreign power to get so much access in the West means that our nation states have been completely gutted.

In return for campaign contributions,
 Clinton transferred secret military technology to China.
The incredible scale of Chinese subversion in Western countries has gone virtually unreported.

It is most starkly revealed by a joint report on Chinese subversion between the Canadian intelligence services and police force published in 1996. Since the publication of this report, no steps have been taken to combat the subversion, a clear sign that it is Illuminati sanctioned.

The report deals solely with activity in Canada but applies to all Western countries.
The report identifies the China power block to be a merger between the communists, Hong Kong tycoons and the triads. Their leader appears to be Hong Kong billionaire Sir Li Ka Shing.

By 1996, the cabal had reached a,
'position in the Canadian economy that allows them to engage in intelligence activities, such as technology transfer, foreign influence and interference, identification and cultivation of persons favorable to China, and the acquisition of undue control in important Canadian economic and political circles.'
The process is simple.
The cabal,
'first buy a Canadian company so as to obtain "local identity", legally concealing their foreign identity. Then, the "Canadian" company invests heavily or buys other companies in various economic sectors.

'In fact, control lies in Hong Kong or Beijing, and the financial benefits or fruits of research, often paid for by Ottawa or the provinces, are likely to make their way to Asia.'
The businesses owned by the triads are,
'used to pursue criminal activities, such as money-laundering and heroin trafficking, as well as assisting the ChIS (Chinese Intelligence Services).'
The report estimated that a staggering 200 Canadian companies - this was in 1996 - are under Chinese control, including some of the country's biggest banks and corporations; Merrill Lynch, Husky Oil, and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.
The same thing is happening in other Western countries.
For example Li Ka-Shing (left) recently obtained two sensitive utility companies in the UK; EDF electricity that provides electricity to 20 million people and Northumbrian Water, who provide water to 4 million people.

The Chinese are currently buying vast tracks of farmland in Australia.

The report reveals that the cabal own large chunks of our cities.
For instance, Li Ka Shing owns,
'one-sixth to one-third of downtown Vancouver.'
They take advantage of under-reported "foreign trade zones" popping up all over the US. These are semi-autonomous regions exempt from US trade and customs laws.
A reporter from Veterans Today called up the organizers of a FTZ being set up in his area and found:
'Corporations producing whatever they produce can manufacture and export products tax-free, but if the products made in the FTZs are sold in the US, taxes are paid! By us! It's like a reverse tariff!

Americans are punished for being Americans but foreigners get a free ride. And "American" corporations get a free ride.'
Chinese corp Sinomach, whose majority shareholder is the Chinese Communist Party, is planning a technology zone near Boise Idaho that would be 50 square miles in size.
It would be a self-contained city encompassing manufacturing facilities, warehouses, retail centers and a large numbers of homes for Chinese workers. Imagine it, a slice of China on US soil, what a way to further the 'End of Nations'!
Will Americans allow this to happen?

Transferring Technology To China

China receives high technology from the West by a variety of means.

One conduit is universities who share the fruits of their research.

Professor C. William Kauffman is a professor of aeronautics engineering at the University of Michigan, working on military research programs. He claims his university is,
"transferring every bit of knowledge and know-how that we have to the People's Republic of China."
This is achieved by allowing Chinese scientists and students' access to the research process.

Kauffman was incensed when a Chinese agent was appointed the head of his department. Wei Shyy was born in Taiwan but became a naturalized US citizen and built himself a very successful career in mechanical engineering. For decades he was a lead researcher on projects funded variously by the Department of Defense, NASA and the USAF.

However, throughout his career he has very publicly transferred secrets to China.
Shyy has been guest professor at various Chinese universities engaged in military programs, including Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics since 1993, Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2000 and the Beijing Institute of Technology since 2003.
"How can he be allowed access to USAF [and] NASA technology and be a visiting professor at PRC institutions engaged in the weapons trade?" Kauffman asks.

"This must violate 'deemed exports' and ITAR [International Traffic in Arms Regulations]."
In 2010 Wei Shyy left Michigan and became a professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, taking decades of US technological development with him.

Western companies who are either bought by - or merge with - Chinese ones also transfer technology.

Michigan Senator Rick Synder owns a venture capital firm that bought NeoPhonotics, an American company rich in technological patents but low on manufacturing ability.
He merged the company with a Chinese firm owned by the Chinese government. All those American patents are now Chinese!

Occasionally the Chinese receive military technology through official state deals. For instance, in 1996 Clinton sold China radiation hardened computer chip sets that are necessary for fighting a nuclear war.

However, such deals cause enormous controversy so the Illuminati prefer China to attain technology through illegal means.

The Chinese Run The Panama Canal

The Chinese control of the Panama Canal and use it as a smuggling route.

In 1997, Sir Li Ka Shing's company Hutchinson Whampoa attained two 25- year leases on the harbors at both ends of the Panama Canal.

Declassified documents from the US Commerce Department show that the Clinton administration stood back despite knowing that that Li has intimate ties to the People's Liberation Army (PLA).

Li co-owns companies with the PLA. For instance, 25 percent of "Guangzhou Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Company," a firm run by the Chinese air force and one-third of AsiaSat, a company owned in part by the Chinese army.

Allowing the cabal to own the Panama Canal, under the guise of a private corporation, is the perfect way to transfer hi-tech to China.

A intelligence report on Li's takeover concludes:
"Hutchison's containerized shipping facilities in the Panama Canal, as well as the Bahamas, could provide a conduit for illegal shipments of technology or prohibited items from the West to the PRC, or facilitate the movement of arms and other prohibited items into the Americas."


The scale of Chinese subversion reveals how advanced the New World Order is. For a foreign elite to get so much power in the West means that our nations have been completely gutted and cannot be restored to a previous form.
